The cost of vengeance (Glenn) - страница 33

“You right, Mike.”

“What she call herself?”


I laughed again. “She got a big, round ass like her mama and her Aunt Connie?”

“Why you think they call her Butta?”

“Talk to Keisha. Find out if that’s your girl or not. If she is, give her a better life,” I said and then I dropped it.

I remembered that night with Connie; more because of what happened the day after. The next morning we went with Andre to meet with Greg Lacey. He was the closest thing Andre had to competition those days. Lace was what they used to call up-and-coming. But to me, he was a loudmouth fool who was always talkin’ when he should be listening. Even though I ended up killing Andre for betraying me, I listened to what he had to say and learned a lot from him.

But not Lace, he thought he knew it all, and tried to force his way into a piece of Andre’s game. It began one day when one of the guys who sold heroin for Andre started operating on a block that Lace considered his. Andre’s man killed him and Lace wanted satisfaction; so Andre agreed to sit down with him. The move surprised me, because Andre was king those days, and sitting down with Lace would make him appear stronger. But Andre knew what he was doing.

What surprised me more was when he told me and Bobby that we were going with him. Usually, his right-hand man, Ricky, would be the one to go to sit down with him. “I’m takin’ you two with me,” Andre said. “But I can’t take you niggas nowhere dressed like that.” That afternoon, Andre took me and Bobby down to Delancey Street and bought both of us a suit to wear to the sit down. He even had them tailored to fit us. We went and had dinner while the tailor got them ready. That’s how me and Bobby got with Keisha and Connie that night. Keisha liked the way Bobby looked in that suit. Before that night, Keisha wouldn’t give Bobby the time of day.

We were all set to go to the meeting, when one of Lace’s people called and said Lace was busy and couldn’t make it, but he would be there at ten that next morning. “He’s playin’ me like a sucker,” Andre said. “But that’s all right; I got something for his ass. Y’all go on and get outta here. And don’t get them fuckin’ suits dirty. I want you both lookin’ fresh; show this piss-ant nigga how a real playa does it.” We left Andre’s and ran into Connie and Keisha. When we got in her room, I told Connie, “Look, I need to get outta this suit. I got business in the morning and I can’t get it wrinkled.”

“I ain’t stoppin’ you,” Connie said and helped me get undressed.