Последний ребенок в лесу (Лоув) - страница 225

Clay, «Green Is Good for You».

Colleen Cordes и Edward Miller, eds., «Fools Gold: A Critical Look at Children and Computers» (a Web-published report by Alliance for Childhood, 2001). За более подробной информацией обращайтесь на http//www.allianceforchildhood.net/projects/computers/computers — reports — fools — gold — download.htm.

Daniel С. Beard, Shelters, Shacks and Shanties (Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1992), xv.

David Brooks, «The Organization Kid», Atlantic Monthly, апрель, 2001, 40.

David Orr, «What is Education For? Six Myths about the Foundation of Modern Education, and Six New Principles to Replace Them», Context: A Quarterly of Human Sustainable Culture, Context Institute (зима, 1991): 52.

David Orr, Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1994).

David Sobel, Beyond Ecophobia: Reclaiming the Heart in Nature Education, Orion Society Nature Literacy Series, том 1 (Great Barrington, MA: Orion Society, 1996).

David Sobel, Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms and Communities (Great Barrington, MA: The Orion Society and the Myrin Institute, 2004).

Debera Carlton Harrell, «Away from the Tube and into Nature, Children Find a New World», Seattle Post-Intelligence, апрель, 5, 2002.

Deborah Churchman, «How to Turn Kids Green; Reinstilling the Love for Nature Among Children», American Forests 98, номер 9–10 (сентябрь, 1992): 28.

Dirk Johnson, «The Great Plains: While Still Bleak, Offer a Chance to the Few», New York Times, декабрь 12, 1993, раздел 1, стр. 1.

E. О. Wilson, Naturalist (New York: Warner Books, 1994), 56.

Edith Cobb, The Ecology of Imagination in Childhood (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977).

Edmund Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (New York: Putnam, 1979), 19.

Edward О. Wilson, Biophilia (Cambridge, МА: Harvard University Press, 1984).

Faber Taylor и Frances Kuo.Из неопубликованного, используется с разрешения авторов.

Frederick Jackson Turner, The

G. Davis, Amy М. Corbitt, Virginia M. Everton, Catherine A. Grano, Pamela A. Kiefner, Angela S. Wilson и Mark Gray, «Are Ball Pits the Playground for Potentially Harmful Bacteria?», Pediatric Nursing25, номер 2 (март, 1, 1999): 151.

G. Mitchell, «Change of Heartland», National Geographic, май, 2004.

George F. Will, The Greening of Chicago, Newsweek, август, 4, 2003, 64.

Gordon Orians and Judith Heerwagen, «Evolved Responses to Landscapes», в Jerome Barkow, Leda Cosmides и John Tooby (подред.), The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), том 7, номер 1: 555–579.