«Викинги» на Марсе (Кондратьев) - страница 53

54. Iversen J. D. et al. Saltation threshold on Mars: the effect of inter-particle force, surface roughness, and low atmospheric density.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 29, N 3, p. 381–394.

54a. Kattawar G. W., Young A. T. Planetary isophotes as a clue to aerosol characteristics.-"Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 2, p. 367–376.

55. Кerzhanоviсh V. V. Mars 6: improved analysis of the descent module-measurements.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 1–25.

56. Кieffer H. H. et al. Infrared thermal mapping of the martian surface and atmosphere: first results.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 780–785.

57. Kieffer H. H. et al. Martian North pole summer temperatures: dirty water ice.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1341–1344.

58. Кieffer H. H. Soil and surface temperatures at the Viking landing sites.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1344–1346.

59. Кieffer H. H. et al. Temperature of the martian surface and atmosphere: Viking observations of diurnal and geometric variations.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1346–1352.

60. Кlein H. P. et al. The Viking biological investigation: preliminary results.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 99–105.

61. Lee B. G. Mission operations strategy for Viking.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 59–62.

62. Levin G. V., Straat P. A. Viking labeled released biology experiment: interim results.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1322–1329.

63. Levine J. S. A new estimate of volatile outgassing on Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 165–169.

64. Lumme K. On the surface brightness and geometric albedo of some martian areas.-"Icarus", 1976, vol. 29, N 1, p. 69–82.

65. Maeglу W. J. Saltation and martian sandstorms.— "Revs, of Geophys. and Space Phys.", 1976, vol. 14, N 1, p. 135–147.

66. Malin M. С Age of martian channels.-"J. Geophys. Res.", 1976, vol. 81, N 26, p. 4825–4845.

67. Martin J. S., Young A. T. Viking to Mars. Profile of a space expedition.— "Aeronautics and Astronautics", November, 1976, p. 22–47.

68. Mass C, Sagan С A numerical circulation model with topography for the martian Southern hemisphere.— "J. Atmos. ScL", 1976, vol. 33, N 8, p. 1418–1430.

69. Masson P. Structure pattern analysis of the Noctis Labyrinthus-Valles Marineris regions of Mars.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 49–62.

70. Masursky H. Martian channels.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers" 30 March— 4 April 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 30.

71. Masursky H., Crabill N. L. The Viking landing sites: selection and certification.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 809–812.