«Викинги» на Марсе (Кондратьев) - страница 54

72. Masursку H., Crabill N. L. Search for the Viking-2 landing site. — "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 62–68.

73. MсСоnnell J. С The atmospheres of Mars and Venus. A comparison. — "Atmos. Earth and Planets. Proc. Summer Adv. Study Inst. Univ. Liege, 1974", Dordrech-Boston, 1975, p. 761–767.

74. MсElrоу М. В., Young Y. L., Nier A. O. Isotopic composition of nitrogen: implications for the past history of Mars' atmosphere.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 70–72.

75. MсElrоу М. В. et al. Composition and structure of the martian upper atmosphere: analysis of results from Viking.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1295–1298.

76. MсElrоу М. В., Young Y. L. Oxygen isotopes in the Martian atmosphere: implications for the evolution of volatiles.— "Planet, and Space Sci.", 1976, vol. 24, N 12, p. 1107–1114.

77. Metz W. D. Viking (1): end of the first phase of 70's space spectacular.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4268, p. 819–820.

78. Michael W. H., Jr. et al. Viking lander location and spin axis of Mars: determination from radio tracking data. — "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 803.

79. Michael W. H., Jr. et al. Mars dynamics atmospheric and surface properties: determination from Viking tracking data.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1337–1339.

80. Mоriуama S. Effects of dust on radiation transfer in the Martian atmosphere (III).— Numerical experiments of radiative-convective equilibrium of the Martian atmosphere including the radiative effects due to dust.— "J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan", 1976, ser. II, vol. 54, N 1, p. 52–58.

81. Moroz V. I. Argon in the Martian atmosphere: do the results of Mars 6 agree with the optical and radio occultation measurements?— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 159–163.

82. Mutch T. A. et al. The surface of Mars: the view from the Viking 1 lander.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 791–800.

83. Mutch T. A. et al. Fine particles on Mars: observations with the Viking 1 lander cameras.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 87–91.

84. Mutch T. A. et al. The surface of Mars: the view from the Viking 2 lander.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1277–1283.

85. Neuкum G., Wise D. U. Mars: a standard crater curve and possible new time scale.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4272, p. 1381–1386.

86. Nier A. O. et al. Composition and structure of the martian atmosphere: preliminary results from Viking 1.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 786–788.

87. Nier A. O., McElroy M. В., Yung Y. L. Isotopic composition of the martian atmosphere.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 68–70.