«Викинги» на Марсе (Кондратьев) - страница 55

88. Nier A. O., McElroy M. B. Structure of the neutral upper atmosphere of Mars: results from Viking-1 and Viking-2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1298–1300.

89. Оhring G. A technique to deduce atmospheric temperature and constituents profiles from a planet's limb radiance profile.— "Icarus", 1975, vol. 24, p. 388–394.

90. Оwen Т., Вiemann K. Composition of the atmosphere at the surface of Mars: detection of Argon-36 and preliminary analysis.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 801–803.

91. Owen T. Volatile inventories on Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 171–177.

92. Owen T. et al. The atmosphere of Mars: detection of krypton and xenon.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1288–1293.

93. Pang K., Ajello J. Mars' ultraviolet absorption band and compositional implications.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers." March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 32–33.

94. Pang K., Ajello J. M. Complex refractive index of martian dust: wavelength dependence and composition.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N l,p. 63–74.

94а. Рlеsкоt L. К., Кieffer H. H. The infrared photometric function of Mars and its bolometric albedo.-"Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 2, p. 341–359.

95. Pollack J. B. et al. Estimates of the wind speeds required for particle motion on Mars.-"Icarus", 1976, vol. 29, N 3, p. 395–418.

96. Pоllаск J. B. et al. Calculations of the general circulation of the mar-tian atmosphere for the season of the Viking lander mission.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers", March 30-April 4. 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 33.

97. Pollack J. B. et al. Winds on Mars during the Viking season: predictions based on a general circulation model with topography.— "Geophys. Res. Letters", 1976, vol. 3, N 8, p. 479–482.

98. Seiff A., Kirk D. B. Structure of Mars' atmosphere up to 100 kilometers from the entry measurements of Viking-2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1300–1303.

99. Shоrthill R. W. Physical properties of the martian surface from the Viking-1 lander: preliminary results.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 805–809.

100. Shorthill R. W. et al. The "soil" of Mars. (Viking-1).-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 91–97.

101. Shorthill R. W. et al. The environs of Viking lander 2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1309–1318.

102. Soderblom L. A. Viking orbital colorimetric images of Mars: preliminary results.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 97–99.

103. Soffen G. A., Snyder C. W. The first Viking mission to Mars.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 759–766.