Английский язык с Робин Гудом (Автор) - страница 45

seem [si:m], happiness ['hxpInIs], greenwood ['gri:nwud], free [fri:], air [eq]

Little John stood in front of the people in the church. He was a very big man, and the people began to laugh. He asked them seven times. «Three times doesn't seem very much,» he said.

And then, «Who gives this woman to Alan-a-Dale?» Little John asked.

«I do,» said Robin Hood. «And if anybody takes her away from Alan-a-Dale, he'll have to answer to me.»

So Alan-a-Dale was married to his lady-love. She looked beautiful in her happiness. And they all went back to the greenwood, to live free in the forest air.

Chapter 10


(Робин Гуд и два монаха)

Robin Hood put on the clothes of a friar and went to the forest road (Робин Гуд надел облачение монаха и вышел на лесную дорогу).

A friar should be poor (любому монаху полагается быть бедным). He should get his food by asking kind people for it (он должен добывать свою пищу, прося ее у добрых людей; to ask — спрашивать; to ask for — просить, требовать /чего-либо/). So Robin looked poor in his friar's clothes (итак, Робин выглядел бедняком: «бедным» в одежде монаха).

friar ['fraIq], should [Sud], asking ['Q:skIN]

Robin Hood put on the clothes of a friar and went to the forest road.

A friar should be poor. He should get his food by asking kind people for it. So Robin looked poor in his friar's clothes.

Two big, fat, strong monks came along the forest road on good strong horses (два высоких, тучных, сильных монаха ехали по лесной дороге на хороших, сильных лошадях). They looked pleased to be alive (они выглядели довольными жизнью: «тем, что они были живы»).

«Good morning (доброе утро),» Robin Hood said to them. «Can you give me a penny to buy some bread (можете ли вы дать мне один пенни, чтобы я /смог/ купить немного хлеба)? Nobody has given me anything today (никто ничего не подал мне сегодня) — not a bit of bread or a cup of water (даже ни краюшки хлеба или чашки воды; bit — кусок, кусочек). Please give me something (пожалуйста, дайте мне чего-нибудь).»

big [bIg], strong [strON], monk [mANk], pleased [pli:zd], alive [q'laIv], bread [bred], water ['wO:tq]

Two big, fat, strong monks came along the forest road on good strong horses. They looked pleased to be alive.

«Good morning,» Robin Hood said to them. «Can you give me a penny to buy some bread? Nobody has given me anything today — not a bit of bread or a cup of water. Please give me something.»

«Ah!» the fat monks said. «We're sorry for you (нам жаль тебя), but we don't have even a penny (но у нас нет даже одного пенни = ни пенни). If we had a penny, we would give it to you (если бы у нас был пенни, мы бы отдали его тебе).»