Маргарет Тэтчер. Женщина у власти (Огден) - страница 327

Bradshaw, Kenneth and Pring, David. Parliament and Congress. Constable, 1972.

Bruce-Gardyne, Jock. Ministers and Mandarins. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1986.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew. The Grand Failure. Scribners, 1989.

Burch, Martin and Moran, Michael. British Politics. Manchester University Press, 1987.

Butler, David and Kavanagh, Dennis. The British General Election of 1979. Macmillan, 1980.

— The British General Election of 1983. Macmillan, 1984.

— The British General Election of 1987. Macmillan, 1988. Carrington, Peter. Reflect on Things Past. Collins, 1988.

Castle, Barbara. The Castle Diaries. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980.

Chesshyre, Robert. The Return of a Native Reporter. Viking, 1987; gritty societal look from beyond London.

Childs, David. Britain Since 1945. Methuen, 1979.

Churchill, Winston S. The Second World War 6 vols. Cassell, 1948-54.

Cockerell, Michael. Live from Number 10. Faber, 1988.

Cole, John. The Thatcher years. BBC, 1987.

Coleman, Terry. Thatcher's Britain. Bantam, 1987.

Coleville, John. The Fringes of Power. Hodder and Stoughton, 1985.

Cosgrave, Patrick. Margaret Thatcher: A Tory and Her Party. Hutchinson, 1978.

Crick, Michael. The March of Militant. Faber. 1986.

Daly, Macdonald and George, Alexander. Margaret Thatcher in Her Own Words. Penguin, 1987.

Dimbleby, David and Reynolds, David. An Ocean Apart. Random House, 1988; a superb account, both scholarly and eminently readable, of the twentieth century relationship between Britain and the United States.

Donoughue, Bernard. Prime Minister: The Conduct of Policy Under Harold Wilson and James Callaghan 1974-79. Jonathan Cape, 1987.

Eatwell, John. Whatever Happened to Britain. Duckworth/BBC, 1982.

Foor, Paul. The Politics of Harold Wilson. Penguin, 1968.

Foote, Geoffrey. A Chronology of Postwar British Politics. Croom helm, 1988.

Gardiner, George. Margaret Thatcher. Kimber, 1975.

Gilmour, Ian. Inside Right: A Study of Conservatism. Quartet, 1977.

Haig, Alexander М., Jr. Gaveat. Macmillan, 1984.

Hanson, A. H. and Walles, Malcolm. Governing Britain. Fontana/Collins, 1970.

Harris, Kenneth. Thatcher. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988.

Harris, Robert. The Making of Neil Kinnock, Faber, 1984.

Hastings, Max and Jenkins, Simon. The Battle for the Falklands. Michael Joseph, 1986.

Henderson, Nicholas. Channels and Tunnels. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.

Honey, John. Does Accent Matter? Faber, 1989.

Howard, Anthony and West, Richard. The Making of the Prime Minister. Jonathan Cape, 1965.

Jenkins, Peter. Mrs. Thatcher's Revolution. Jonathan Cape, 1987; original and insightful writing about postwar British politics from one of that nations preeminent commentators.