Маргарет Тэтчер. Женщина у власти (Огден) - страница 331

13. Wapshott and Brock, p. 85.

14. Geoffrey Parkhouse, unpublished Thatcher interview, 1970.

15. Ibid.

16. Young and Sloman, p. 33.

17. Thames Television, January 6, 1981, cited in McFadyean and Renn p. 111.

18. Junor, p. 62; Wapshott and Brock, p. 270.

19. Wapshott and Brock, appendix, p. 278.

20. Foote, A Chronology of Postwar British Politics, p. 128.

21. Young and Sloman, p. 24.

22. Sampson, The Changing Anatomy of Britain, p. 114.

23. Young and Sloman, p. 26.

24. Junor, p. 72.

25. Cabinet source to author, December 1988.

26. Junor, p. 73; Wapshott and Brock, p. 97.

27. Parkhouse, unpublished.

28. Cabinet source to author, January 1989.

29. Young and Sloman, p. 22.

Глава шестая ПЕРЕВОРОТ

1. Cabinet source to author, January 1989.

2. Interview with author, January 1989.

3. Keith Joseph to author, January 1989.

4. Party source to author, December 1988.

5. Joseph to author.

6. Time. February 10, 1975.

7. James Prior to author, December 1989.

8. Ian Gow to author, January 1989.

9. William Whitelaw to author, December 1988.

10. Wapshott and Brock, p. 126.

11. Murray, p. 104.

12. Cockerell, Live from Number 10, p. 217.

Глава седьмая В ПРЕДДВЕРИИ

1. Whitelaw, The Whitelaw Memoirs, p. 143.

2. Mayer, p. 127.

3. Whitelaw to author, December 1988.

4. Joseph to author, January 1989.

5. Wapshott and Brock, p. 157.

6. Ronald Millar to author, January 1989

7. Junor, p. 107.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid., p. 109.

10. Mayer, p. 141.

11. Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith (Bantam, 1982), p. 113.

12. Cabinet sources to author, December-January 1988-89.

13. Tim Bell to author, December 1988.

14. Mayer, p. 174.

15. Bell.

16. Time, April 21, 1979.


1. Stephenson. Mrs. Thatchers First Year. p. 12.

2. Time, June 25 1979.

3. Ibid.

4. Geoffrey Howe to author, January 1989.

5. Lord Carrington to author, December 1988.

6. Mayer, p. 203.

7. Carrington.

8. Carrington, Reflect on Things Past, p. 277.

9. Stephenson, p. 89.

10. Interview with author, January 1989.

Глава девятая НА МЕЛИ

1. Time, February 16, 1981.

2. Millar to author, January 1989.

3. Time, February 16, 1981.

4. Interview with author, January 1989.

5. Sampson, p. 96.

6. Sunday Times (London), May 3, 1981.


I have relied heavily in this chapter on the extensive coverage of the ten-week war in the international editions of Time magazine, which, between May 10 and May 31, 1982, ran four consecutive cover stories on the Falklands. I owe special thanks for material and recollections provided by London correspondents Bonnie Angelo and Frank Melville and their counterparts in Argentina: Barry Hillenbrand, Bill McWhirter, and Gavin Scott. George Russell, formerly chief correspondent for South America, wrote many of the stories in New York and afforded unique perspective. Top editor Karsten Prager oversaw the effort with exceptional skill.