Стеклянная клетка. Автоматизация и мы (Карр) - страница 162

25. Цитируется по статье: Alex Hutchinson. Global Impositioning Systems // Walrus, 2009. November.

26. Kyle VanHemert. 4 Reasons Why Apple’s iBeacon Is About to Disrupt Interaction Design // Wired, 2013. December 11. www.wired.com/ UPL: http://www. design/2013/12/4-use-cases-for-ibeacon-the-most-exciting-tech-youhavent-heard-of/.

27. Цитируется по книге: Fallows. Places You’ll Go.

28. Damon Lavrinc. Mercedes Is Testing Google Glass Integration, and It Actually Works // Wired, 2013. August 15. UPL: http://www. wired.com/autopia/2013/08/google-glass-mercedes-benz/.

29. William J. Mitchell. Foreword. В книге: Yehuda E. Kalay. Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004. xi.

30. Anonymous. Interviews: Renzo Piano // Architectural Record, 2001. October. UPL: http://www. archrecord.construction.com/people/interviews/archives/0110piano.asp.

31. Цитируется по: Gavin Mortimer. The Longest Night. N. Y.: Penguin, 2005. Р. 319.

32. Dino Marcantonio. Architectural Quackery at Its Finest: Parametricism //Marcantonio Architects Blog, 2010. May 8.UPL: http://www. blog.marcantonioarchitects.com/architectural-quackery-at-its-finest-parametricism/.

33. Paul Goldberger. Digital Dreams // New Yorker, 2001. March 12.

34. Patrik Schumacher. Parametricism as Style – Parametricist Manifesto // Patrik Schumacher’s blog, 2008. UPL: http://www. patrikschumacher.com/Texts/Parametricism%20as%20Style.htm.

35. Anonymous. Interviews Renzo Piano.

36. Witold Rybczynski. Think before You Build // Slate, 2011. March 30. UPL: http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/architecture/2011/03/think_before_you_build.html.

37. Цитируется по: Bryan Lawson. Design in Mind. Oxford, U.K.: Architectural Press, 1994. Р. 66.

38. Michael Graves. Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing // New YorkTimes, 2012. September 2.

39. D. A. Schцn. Designing as Reflective Conversation with the Materials of a Design Situation // Knowledge-Based Systems 5, 1992. № 1. Р. 3–14. См. также книгу Шёна: The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. N. Y.: Basic Books, 1983. Р. 157–159.

40. Michael Graves. Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing. См. также: Masaki Suwa et al. Macroscopic Analysis of Design Processes Based on a Scheme for Coding Designers’ Cognitive Actions // Design Studies 19, 1998. Р. 455–483.

41. Nigel Cross. Designerly Ways of Knowing. Basel: Birkhдuser, 2007. 58.

42. Scho#n. Designing as Reflective Conversation.

43. Там же.

44. Joachim Walther et al.