Brown was there now, with Hornblower's valise in his hand. | Браун был уже тут с капитанским саквояжем. |
The coachman showed him how to put it into the boot. | Кучер показал, как пристроить багаж. |
Then a gendarme opened the other door and stood waiting for Hornblower to enter. | Жандарм открыл дверцу и ждал пока Хорнблауэр сядет. |
Hornblower looked up at the ramparts towering above him; no more than half an hour ago he had been walking there, worn out with doubt. | Хорнблауэр глядел на исполинский крепостной вал: какие-то полчаса назад он ходил там наверху, раздираемый сомнениями. |
At least one doubt was settled now. | Теперь, по крайней мере стало одним сомнением меньше. |
In a fortnight's time perhaps they would all be settled, after he had faced the firing party at Vincennes. | Недели через две его расстреляют, покончив и с остальными. |
A spurt of fear welled up within him at the thought, destroying the first momentary feeling almost of pleasure. | При этой мысли в душе закопошился страх, сводя на нет первое, почти радостное ощущение. |
He did not want to be taken to Paris to be shot; he wanted to resist. | Он не хотел в Париж умирать, он хотел сопротивляться. |
Then he realized that resistance would be both vain and undignified, and he forced himself to climb into the coach, hoping that no one had noticed his slight hesitation. | Тут он понял: сопротивляться будет и тщетно и унизительно. Надеясь, что никто не заметил его колебаний, он полез в карету. |
A gesture from the sergeant of gendarmerie brought Brown to the door as well, and he came climbing in to sit apologetically with his officers. | Один из жандармов указал Брауну на дверцу, и тот с виноватым видом сел, явно робея в присутствии офицеров. |
Caillard was mounting a big black horse, a spirited, restless creature which champed at its bit and passaged feverishly about. | Кайяр садился на крупного вороного жеребца, который нетерпеливо грыз удила и злобно косился по сторонам. |
When he had settled himself in the saddle the word was given, and the horses were led round the courtyard, the coach jolting and heaving over the cobbles, out through the gate and down to the road which wound under the guns of the fortress. | Утвердившись в седле, он подал команду, лошади застучали копытами, карета запрыгала по брусчатке, проехала в ворота и дальше на дорогу, которая вилась под пушками крепости. |
The mounted gendarmerie closed up round the coach, a whip cracked, and they were off at a slow trot, to the jingling of the harness and the clattering of the hoofs and the creaking of the leatherwork. |