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Jerome, Chronicle: an online edition and English translation may be found at http:// www.tertullian.org./fathers/jerome_chronicle_oo_eintro. htm

John of Antioch, ed. Mueller (1851–1870); trans. Gordon (1966) John of Nikiu, Chronicle, trans. Charles (1916) (from the Ethiopian)

Jordanes, Romana and Getica, ed. Mommsen (1882); Getica, trans. Mierow (1915)

Laws of Ine, ed. Liebermann (1903–1916); trans. Whitelock (1955)

Life of Anskar, ed. Trillmich et al. (1978); trans. Robinson (1921)

Malchus, ed. and trans. Blockley (1982)

Menander Protector, ed. and trans. Blockley (1985)

Miracles of St Demetrius, ed. Lemerle (1979–1981)

Notitia Dignitatum, ed. Seeck (1962)

Novels of Valentinian III, ed. Mommsen and Kreuger (1905); trans. Pharr (1952)

Origo Gentis Langobardorum: see Paul the Deacon

Olympiodorus of Thebes, ed. and trans. Blockley (1982)

Orosius, Against the Pagans, ed. Arnaud-Lindet (1990–1991); trans. Defarri (1964)

Panegyrici Latini, ed. and trans. Nixon and Rogers (1994)

Passion of St Saba, ed. Delehaye (1912); trans. Heather and Matthews (1991)

Paul the Deacon, History of the Lombards, ed. Bethmann and Waitz (1878); trans. Foulke (1974)

Paulinus of Pella, Eucharisticon, ed. and trans. Evelyn White (1961), vol. 2

Peter the Patrician, ed. Mueller (1851–1870)

Pliny, Natural History

Priscus, ed. and trans. Blockley (1982)

Procopius, Works, ed. and trans. Dewing (1914–1940)

Prosper Tiro, Chronicle, ed. Mommsen (1892)

Ptolemy, Geography

Royal Frankish Annals, ed. Kurze (1895); trans. Scholz (1972)

Russian Primary Chronicle, trans. Cross and Sherbowitz-Wetzor (1953)

Saxo Grammaticus, History of the Danes, ed. Knabe et al. (1931–1957); trans. Fisher (1996) (Books I—IX); Christiansen (1980–1981) (Books X—XVI)

Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. Hansen (1995); trans. in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2

Sozomen, Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. Bidez and Hansen (1995); trans. in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2

Strabo, Geography

Strategicon of Maurice, ed. Dennis (1981); trans. Dennis (1984)

Synesius of Cyrene, ed. Garzya (1989)

Tacitus, Annals; Histories; Germania

Themistius, Orations, ed. Schenkl et al. (1965–1974); trans. Heather and Matthews (1991) (Orations 8 and 10); Heather & Moncur (2001) (Orations 14–16 and 34)

Theodoret, Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. Parmentier and Hansen (1998); trans. in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 3

Theophanes, Chronographia, ed. Niebuhr (1839–1841); trans. Mango and Scott (1997)

Theophylact Simocatta, History, ed. De Boor and Wirth (1972); trans. Whitby and Whitby (1986)