Великие завоевания варваров. Падение Рима и рождение Европы (Хизер) - страница 502

Основные источники

GCSDie Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte,

CSELCorpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum,

CCCorpus Christianorum,

SCSources Chrétiennes.

Adam of Bremen, History of the Bishops of Hamburg, ed. Schmeidler (1917); trans. Tschan (1959)

Agathias, History, ed. Keydell (1967); trans. Frendo (1975) Ammianus Marcellinus, ed. and trans. Rolfe (1935–1939) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. and trans. Whitelock et al. (1961)

Annals of Fulda, ed. Pertz and Kurze (1891); trans. Reuter (1992)

Annals of St Bertin, ed. Waitz (1883); trans. Nelson (1991)

Anonymous Bavarian Geographer, ed. Bielowski (1946)

Anonymous Valesianus, ed. and trans. in Rolfe (1935–1939), vol. 3

Aurelius Victor, Caesars, ed. Pichlmayr (1911); trans. Bird (1994)

Bede, Ecclesiastical History, ed. and trans. Colgrave and Mynors (1969)

Caesar, Gallic War

Cassiodorus, Variae, ed. Mommsen (1894b); trans. Hodgkin (1886); Barnish (1992)

Chronicle of Ireland, trans. Charles-Edwards (2006)

Chronicle of Monemvasia, ed. and trans. Charanis (1950)

Chronicon Paschale, ed. Dindorf (1832); trans. Whitby and Whitby (1989)

Claudian, Works, ed. and trans. Platnauer (1922)

Codex Theodosianus, ed. Mommsen and Kreuger (1905); trans. Pharr (1952)

Constantius, Life of St Germanus, ed. Noble and Head (1995), 75–106

Consularia Constantinopolitana, ed. Mommsen (1892)

Cosmas of Prague, Chronicle of Bohemia, ed. Bretholz and Weinberger (1923)

Crith Gablach: ed. Binchy (1970).

De Administrando Imperio, ed. and trans. Moravcsik and Jenkins (1967)

Dio Cassius, Roman History, ed. and trans.  Cary (1914–1927) Encomium of Queen Emma, ed. and trans. Campbell (1949)

Ennodius, Works, ed. Vogel (1885)

Eugippius, Life of Severinus, ed. Noll and Vetter (1963); trans. Bieler (1965)

Eunapius, Histories, ed. and trans. Blockley (1982)

Eutropius, Breviarium, ed. Santini (1979); trans. Bird (1993)

Fredegar, Chronicle, ed. and trans. Wallace-Hadrill (1960)

Gallic Chronicle of 452, ed. Mommsen (1892)

Gallus Anonymous, Chronicle, ed. Maleczynski (1952); trans. Knoll and Schaer (2003)

Gildas, Ruin of Britain, ed. and trans. Winterbottom (1978)

Gregory of Tours, Histories, ed. Krusch and Levison (1951); trans. Thorpe (1974)

Helmold, Chronicle of the Slavs, ed. Lappenberg and Schmeidler (1909); trans. Tschan (1966)

Herodotus, Histories

Historia Augusta, ed. and trans. Magie (1932)

Hydatius, Chronicle, ed. Mommsen (1894); trans. Burgess (1993)

Ibn Fadlan, ed. and trans. Canard (1973)

Ibn Jaqub, ed. and trans. Miquel (1966)

Ibn Rusteh, ed. and trans. Wiet (1957)