Инновационная концепция модернизации теории и практики физического воспитания (Столяров) - страница 564

1853. Kunicki Bogdan J. (1986). Kultura fizyczna – ewolucja ideologii. – Gorzow. – 60 р.

1854. Kurz D. (1979). Elemente des Schulsports. Grundlagen einer pragmatischen Fachdidaktik. – Schorndorf.

1855. Laberge Suzanne (1984а). Body perception as experienced through fitness programs: Paper presented at the Olympic Scientific Congress, 19–26 July 1984, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. – 12 p.

1856. Laberge S. (1984b). Somatic culture and perception of one's own body as illustrated by fitness programs // "Sport History – Sport Pedagogy and Sport Philosophy – Sport Sociology": Scientific Program Abstracts, 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. – Р. 88.

1857. Landry Fernand (1989). Olympism at the Beginning and at the End of the 20th Century: from the Permanence of an Idea to the Crowing Paradox of its Social Function // IOA. Report of the 28th Session. – Lausanne. – Р. 50–66.

1858. LeFevre Dale N. (1988). New games for the whole family. – New York: Putham. – 175 S.

1859. LeFevre Dale N. (2002). Best New Games. – Paperback. – 232 p.

1860. Leist K.H. (1995). Freiheitliche Bewegung-, Spiel-, Sportkultur: Grundlagen und Verfassung des Neuen Sportlehrplans für Bayern // Tĕlesná kultura: Sbornik praci kateder tĕlesné výchovy a tĕlovýchovného lékařstvi, svazek 26. – Olomouc. – s. 99-117.

1861. Leist K.H. (2001). Sport and Culture on the sense and value scenario of human movement // Physical Culture as a Component of Culture. – Olomouc: Publishing House HANEX. – Р. 109–130.

1862. Lenk H. (1984). The Essence of Olympic man: Toward an Olympic philosophy and antropology // Int. Journal of Phys. Education. – vol. XXI, N. 2. – Р. 9–15.

1863. Lenk Hans (1982). Presidential Address – 1981. Tasks of the Philosophy of Sport: Between Publicity and Anthropology // Journal of the Philosophy of Sport. – vol. IX. – Р. 94–106/

1864. Lentz Theo F., Cornelius Ruth (1950). All Together: A Manual of Cooperative Games. – N.Y.

1865. Liebau Eckart (1989). ―In-Form-Sein‖ als Erziehungsziel? Pädagogische Überlegungen zur Sportkul-tur // Sportwissenschaft. – N. 2. – S. 139–153.

1866. Lingis Alphonso (1986). Orchids and Muscles // Philosophic Inquiry in Sport. Edited by William J. Morgan and Klaus V. Meier. – Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. – Р. 125–136.

1867. Lipiec J. (1997). The Fair Play philosophy // Fair play – Sport – Eduсation. European Congress of Fair Play. 2nd General Assembly of the European Fair Play Movement. Warsaw, September 12–14, 1996. – Warszawa. – Р. 99–110.