Инновационная концепция модернизации теории и практики физического воспитания (Столяров) - страница 565

1868. Lipiec Józef (2005). On the human physical activity // Sport, Culture and Society. In Honour of Prof. Zbigniew Krawczyk / Ed. by J. Kosiewicz. – Warsaw. – Р. 207–221.

1869. Lipiec Jόzef (1999). Filozofia olimpizmu. – Warszawa: Polskie Wydawnictwo Sportowe SPRINT. – 234 p.

1870. Loechte H., Stockem V. (1985). Ein Sportverein geht einen neuen Weg – sozialpädagogisch orien-tierte Arbeit mit Kinder und Jugendlichen // Sportunterricht. – N. 7. – Р. 265–270.

1871. Loy J. W., Kenyon G. S., McPherson B.D. (1981). Sport, culture and society: a Reader on the Soci-ology of Sport. 2nd and rev. ed. – Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. – 376 p.

1872. Loy J.W., Hesketh Graham L. (1984). The Agon Motif: A Prolegomenon for the Study of Agonetic Behavior // Contribution of sociology to the study of sport. – Jyvaskylä, University of Jyvaskylä. – Р. 31–50.

1873. Loy J.W., Ingham A. (1973). Play, games and sport in the psychosocial development of children and youth // G.L. Rarick (ed.). Physical Activity: Human Growth and Development. – New York: Academic Press. – Р. 257–302.

1874. Loy John W., McPherson Barry D., Kenyon Gerald (1978). Sport and Social Systems: A Guide to the Analysis, Problems and Literature. – London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. – 447 p.

1875. Lüschen G., Sage G. (Eds.). Handbook of Social Science of Sport. – Stipes Publishing Comp., 1981.

1876. MacAloon John J. (1991). Science, Sport and 21st Century International Relations // Second IOC World Congress on Sport Sciences, Barcelona, 26 to 31 October 1991. – Barcelona. – Р. 76–79.

1877. Maehr M.L., Sjogren D.D. (1971). Atkinson's theory of achievement motivation: First step toward a theory of academic motivation? // Review of Educational Research. – N. 41. – Р. 143–161.

1878. Magnane Georges (1964). Sociologie du sport. Situation du loisir sportif dans la culture contemporaine. – Paris: Gallimard.

1879. Maguire Joseph, Mansfield Louise (1998). ―No-Body’s Perfect‖: Women, Aerobics, and the Body Beautiful // Sociology of Sport Journal. – vol. 15, N. 2. – Р. 109–137.

1880. Maheo R. (1970). Sport and Culture // Introduction to Physical Education. Ed. by H.S.Slusher and A.S.Lockhart. – Springfeld. – Р. 186–197.

1881. Marcinkowski Marian (2000). Education through sport and for sport in the system of combat-moral preparations of soldiers // Education. Physical Training. Sport: Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. —N. 2. – Р. 30–34.

1882. Martens R., Landers D.M. (1969). Coaction effects on a muscular endurance task // Research Quar-terly. – v. 40. – Р. 733–737.