Дом о семи шпилях (Готорн) - страница 71

Within that circle, he claimed the same sort of privilege, and probably felt as much warmth of interest, as a clergyman does in the range of his parishioners.В этом кругу он имел притязание на благодарность и любовь.
Not that he laid claim to the tithe pig; but, as an analogous mode of reverence, he went his rounds, every morning, to gather up the crumbs of the table and overflowings of the dinner-pot, as food for a pig of his own.Он не мечтал о каких-то выгодах, но каждое утро обходил окрестности, собирая остатки хлеба и другой пищи.
In his younger days-for, after all, there was a dim tradition that he had been, not young, but younger-Uncle Venner was commonly regarded as rather deficient, than otherwise, in his wits.В свои лучшие годы - потому что все-таки существовало темное предание, что он был... не молод, но по крайней мере моложе, чем сейчас, -дядюшка Веннер считался человеком не слишком сметливым.
In truth, he had virtually pleaded guilty to the charge, by scarcely aiming at such success as other men seek, and by taking only that humble and modest part, in the intercourse of life, which belongs to the alleged deficiency.Действительно, о нем можно было это сказать, потому как он редко стремился к успехам, которых добиваются другие люди, и всегда принимал на себя в житейских делах ничтожную и смиренную роль.
But, now, in his extreme old age-whether it were that his long and hard experience had actually brightened him, or that his decaying judgment rendered him less capable of fairly measuring himself-the venerable man made pretensions to no little wisdom, and really enjoyed the credit of it.Но теперь, в престарелом возрасте - потому ли, что его умудрил опыт долгой и тяжкой жизни, или потому, что его слабый рассудок не позволял ему прежде оценить себя по достоинству, - этот человек всерьез претендовал на ум.
There was likewise, at times, a vein of something like poetry in him; it was the moss or wallflower of his mind in its small dilapidation, and gave a charm to what might have been vulgar and commonplace in his earlier and middle life.В нем время от времени обнаруживалась, так сказать, некая поэтическая жилка: то был мох и пустынные цветы на его маленьких развалинах; они придавали прелесть тому, чтобы могло назваться грубым и пошлым в раннюю пору его жизни.
Hepzibah had a regard for him, because his name was ancient in the town, and had formerly been respectable. It was a still better reason for awarding him a species of familiar reverence, that Uncle Venner was himself the most ancient existence, whether of man or thing, in Pyncheon Street, except the House of Seven Gables, and perhaps the elm that overshadowed it.