At the | На носу |
"Waldeck's" prow a large opening indicated the place where the collision had occurred. | "Вальдека" зияла широкая пробоина - след рокового столкновения. |
In consequence of the capsizing of the hull, this opening was then five or six feet above the water-which explained why the brig had not yet foundered. | Благодаря тому что судно дало крен, пробоина поднялась над водой на пять-шесть футов, и "Вальдек" не затонул. |
On the deck, which Captain Hull saw in its whole extent, there was nobody. | На палубе не было ни души. |
The dog, having left the netting, had just let itself slip as far as the central hatch, which was open; and it barked partly toward the interior, partly toward the exterior. | Собака, оставив борт, добралась по наклонной палубе до открытого центрального люка и, просунув в него голову, отчаянно залаяла. |
"It is very certain that this animal is not alone on board!" observed Dick Sand. | - Очевидно, этот пес - не единственное живое существо на корабле, - заметил Дик Сэнд. |
"No, in truth!" replied Captain Hull. | -Я и сам так думаю, - сказал капитан Гуль. |
The boat then skirted the larboard netting, which was half under water. | Шлюпка плыла теперь вдоль полузатонувшего борта. |
A somewhat strong swell of the sea would certainly submerge the "Waldeck" in a few moments. | Первая же большая волна неминуемо должна была пустить "Вальдек" ко дну. |
The brig's deck had been swept from one end to the other. | На палубе брига все было начисто сметено. |
There was nothing left except the stumps of the mainmast and of the mizzen-mast, both broken off two feet above the scuttles, and which had fallen in the collision, carrying away shrouds, back-stays, and rigging. | Торчали только основания грот-мачты и фок-мачты, переломленные в двух футах от пяртнерса. Очевидно, мачты рухнули при столкновении и упали за борт, увлекая за собой паруса и снасти. |
Meanwhile, as far as the eye could see, no wreck was visible around the | Однако, сколько видел глаз, нельзя было обнаружить никаких обломков. |
"Waldeck"-which seemed to indicate that the catastrophe was already several days old. | Из этого можно было сделать только один вывод: катастрофа с "Вальдеком" произошла уже много дней назад. |
"If some unhappy creatures have survived the collision," said Captain Hull, "it is probable that either hunger or thirst has finished them, for the water must have gained the store-room. |