Свидание со смертью (Кристи) - страница 12

Her face was quite impassive, it had no expression in it. Impossible to tell what was passing in the woman's mind.Ее лицо было лишено всякого выражения - было невозможно определить, что творится в голове у этой женщины.
Sarah looked at her watch and uttered an exclamation.Сара посмотрела на часы и воскликнула:
"It's much later than I thought." She got up. "Thank you so much. Dr. Gerard, for standing me coffee.- Сейчас гораздо позже, чем я думала! - Она поднялась. - Спасибо за кофе, доктор Жерар.
I must write some letters now."Я должна написать несколько писем.
He rose and took her hand.Доктор тоже встал и взял ее за руку:
"We shall meet again, I hope," he said.- Надеюсь, мы еще увидимся?
"Oh, yes!- Конечно!
Perhaps you will come to Petra?"Может быть, вы все же поедете в Петру?
"I shall certainly try to do so."- Во всяком случае, постараюсь.
Sarah smiled at him and turned away. Her way out of the room led her past the Boynton family.Сара улыбнулась и направилась к выходу мимо семейства Бойнтон.
Dr. Gerard, watching, saw Mrs. Boynton's gaze shift to her son's face. He saw the boy's eyes meet hers.Доктор Жерар увидел, как взгляд миссис Бойнтон переместился на лицо сына.
As Sarah passed, Raymond Boynton half turned his head - not towards her but away from her...Когда Сара проходила мимо, Реймонд неохотно отвернулся от нее.
It was a slow unwilling motion and conveyed the idea that old Mrs. Boynton had pulled an invisible string.Казалось, мать натянула невидимую струну.
Sarah King noticed the avoidance, and was young enough and human enough to be annoyed by it.Сара заметила это. Она была достаточно молода, чтобы этот жест раздосадовал ее.
They had had such a friendly talk together in the swaying corridor of the Wagon-Lit. They had compared notes on Egypt, had laughed at the ridiculous language of the donkey boys and street touts.Они так дружелюбно беседовали в коридоре спального вагона - сравнивали впечатления о Египте, смеялись над нелепыми фразами погонщиков ослов и уличных торговцев.
Sarah had described how a camel man, when he had started hopefully and impudently,Сара рассказала, как погонщик верблюдов дерзко осведомился:
"You English lady or American?" had received the answer:"Вы английская леди или американская?" - и, получив ответ:
"No, Chinese," and her pleasure in seeing the man's complete bewilderment as he stared at her."Нет, китайская!" - озадаченно уставился на нее.
The boy had been, she thought, like a nice eager schoolboy - there had been, perhaps, something almost pathetic about his eagerness.