"Yes, there is, O my most highly respected teacher." | - Есть такое место, о высокочтимая моя учительница. |
Behind the wall Hottabych nodded approvingly and rubbed his hands together smugly. | За стеной Хоттабыч одобрительно кивал головой и удовлетворённо потирал свои сухие ладошки. |
A strange silence fell on the class. | В классе наступила напряжённая тишина. |
Even those who were always ready to laugh stopped smiling. | Самые смешливые ребята перестали улыбаться. |
Something was definitely wrong with Volka. | С Волькой определённо творилось неладное. |
Varvara Stepanovna rose and felt his forehead anxiously. | Варвара Степановна встала из-за стола, озабоченно пощупала Волькин лоб. |
He did not have a fever. | Температуры не было. |
But Hottabych was really touched by this. He bowed low and touched his forehead and chest in the Eastern manner and then began to whisper. | Но Хоттабыч за стенкой растрогался, отвесил низкий поклон, коснулся, по восточному обычаю, лба и груди и зашептал. |
Volka, driven by the same awful force, repeated his movements exactly. "I thank you, O most gracious daughter of Stepan! | И Волька, понуждаемый той же недоброй силой, в точности повторил эти движения: - Благодарю тебя, о великодушнейшая дочь Степана! |
I thank you for your trouble. | Благодарю тебя за беспокойство, но оно ни к чему. |
But it is unnecessary, because, praised be Allah, I am quite well." All this sounded extremely strange and funny. However, the other children were so worried about Volka that not a shade of a smile crossed a single face. | Оно излишне, ибо я, хвала аллаху, совершенно здоров. |
Varvara Stepanovna took him by the hand, led him out of the room, and patted his lowered head. "Never mind, Kostylkov. Don't worry. | Варвара Степановна ласково взяла Вольку за руку, вывела из класса и погладила по поникшей голове: - Ничего, Костыльков, не унывай. |
You're probably overtired. | Видимо, ты несколько переутомился... |
Come back when you've had a good rest. All right?" | Придёшь, когда хорошенько отдохнёшь, ладно? |
"All right," Volka said. | - Ладно, - сказал Волька. |
"But upon my word of honour, Varvara Stepanovna, it's not my fault! It isn't really!" | - Только, Варвара Степановна, честное пионерское, я нисколько, ну совсем нисколечко не виноват! |
"Why, I'm not blaming you at all," the teacher answered kindly. | - А я тебя ни в чём и не виню, - мягко отвечала учительница. |
"I'll tell you what: let's drop in on Pyotr Ivanych." | - Знаешь, давай заглянем к Петру Иванычу. |
Pyotr Ivanych, the school doctor, examined Volka for all of ten minutes. He made him close his eyes and hold his arms out before him with his fingers spread apart; then he tapped his knee and drew lines on his chest and back with his stethoscope. |