It would be futile. | Все равно ничего не добьешься. |
He knew Orr, and he knew there was not a chance in hell of finding out from him then why he had wanted big cheeks. | Он знал Орра и понимал, что никакими силами ада не удастся выжать из него, зачем ему понадобились большие щеки. |
It would do no more good to ask than it had done to ask him why that whore had kept beating him over the head with her shoe that morning in Rome in the cramped vestibule outside the open door of Nately's whore's kid sister's room. She was a tall, strapping girl with long hair and incandescent blue veins converging populously beneath her cocoa-colored skin where the flesh was most tender, and she kept cursing and shrieking and jumping high up into the air on her bare feet to keep right on hitting him on the top of his head with the spiked heel of her shoe. | Проку будет не больше, чем спрашивать, почему та девка лупила его туфлей по голове. Дело было в Риме, утром, в переполненном холле публичного дома, напротив открытых дверей комнаты, где жила младшая сестренка шлюхи, с которой путался Нейтли. |
They were both naked, and raising a rumpus that brought everyone in the apartment into the hall to watch, each couple in a bedroom doorway, all of them naked except the aproned and sweatered old woman, who clucked reprovingly, and the lecherous, dissipated old man, who cackled aloud hilariously through the whole episode with a kind of avid and superior glee. | Они тогда подняли такой шум и гам, что все обитатели дома сбежались в холл посмотреть, в чем дело. |
The girl shrieked and Orr giggled. | Девка вопила, а Орр хихикал. |
Each time she landed with the heel of her shoe, Orr giggled louder, infuriating her still further so that she flew up still higher into the air for another shot at his noodle, her wondrously full breasts soaring all over the place like billowing pennants in a strong wind and her buttocks and strong thighs shim-sham-shimmying this way and that way like some horrifying bonanza. | Каждый раз, когда каблук опускался ему на макушку, Орр хихикал еще громче, отчего девка разъярялась еще пуще и еще выше подпрыгивала, чтобы покрепче ударить его по башке. |
She shrieked and Orr giggled right up to the time she shrieked and knocked him cold with a good solid crack on the temple that made him stop giggling and sent him off to the hospital in a stretcher with a hole in his head that wasn't very deep and a very mild concussion that kept him out of combat only twelve days. | Но вот она, взвизгнув, всадила ему каблук в висок с такой силой, что он перестал хихикать. Его доставили на носилках в госпиталь с дырой в голове, не столь уж, впрочем, глубокой, и с легким сотрясением мозга, так что он не воевал всего только двенадцать дней. |