Уловка-22 (Хеллер) - страница 6

Техасца уложили на кровать посредине палаты, и он сразу же приступил к обнародованию своих взглядов.
Dunbar sat up like a shot.Послушав его, Данбэр подскочил, словно подброшенный пружиной.
'That's it,' he cried excitedly.- Ага! - возбужденно заорал он.
'There was something missing-all the time I knew there was something missing-and now I know what it is.'- Я все время чувствовал, что нам чего-то не хватает. Теперь я знаю чего.
He banged his fist down into his palm. 'No patriotism,' he declared.- И, стукнув кулаком по ладони, изрек: -Патриотизма! Вот чего!
' You're right,' Yossarian shouted back.- Ты прав! - громко подхватил Йоссариан.
' You're right, you're right, you're right.- Ты прав, ты прав, ты прав!
The hot dog, the Brooklyn Dodgers. Mom's apple pie. That's what everyone's fighting for.Горячие сосиски, "Бруклин доджерс",[2] мамин яблочный пирог - вот за что все сражаются.
But who's fighting for the decent folk?А кто сражается за приличных людей?
Who's fighting for more votes for the decent folk?Кто сражается за то, чтобы приличные люди имели больше голосов на выборах?..
There's no patriotism, that's what it is.Нет у нас патриотизма!
And no matriotism, either.'И даже патриотизма нет!
The warrant officer on Yossarian's left was unimpressed.На уоррэнт-офицера, лежавшего справа от Йоссариана, эти крики не произвели никакого впечатления.
'Who gives a shit?' he asked tiredly, and turned over on his side to go to sleep.- Дерьмо это все... - проворчал он устало и повернулся на бок, намереваясь уснуть.
The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likable. In three days no one could stand him.Техасец оказался до того душкой, до того рубахой-парнем, что уже через три дня его никто не мог выносить.
He sent shudders of annoyance scampering up ticklish spines, and everybody fled from him-everybody but the soldier in white, who had no choice. The soldier in white was encased from head to toe in plaster and gauze. He had two useless legs and two useless arms.Стоило ему раскрыть рот - и у всех пробегал по спине холодок ужаса. Все удирали от него, кроме солдата в белом, у которого все равно не было пути к отступлению: солдат был упакован с головы до пят в марлю и гипс и не мог шевельнуть ни рукой, ни ногой.
He had been smuggled into the ward during the night, and the men had no idea he was among them until they awoke in the morning and saw the two strange legs hoisted from the hips, the two strange arms anchored up perpendicularly, all four limbs pinioned strangely in air by lead weights suspended darkly above him that never moved. Sewn into the bandages over the insides of both elbows were zippered lips through which he was fed clear fluid from a clear jar. A silent zinc pipe rose from the cement on his groin and was coupled to a slim rubber hose that carried waste from his kidneys and dripped it efficiently into a clear, stoppered jar on the floor. When the jar on the floor was full, the jar feeding his elbow was empty, and the two were simply switched quickly so that the stuff could drip back into him. All they ever really saw of the soldier in white was a frayed black hole over his mouth.