Современная английская лексика для свободного общения (Черниховская) - страница 68


свыше, больше

— How old do you think she is? / Как думаешь, сколько ей лет?

— She’s over fifty, I guess. / Наверное, больше пятидесяти.

over there

там, на каком-то расстоянии

— Do you see that woman over there? / Вы видите вон ту женщину?

— Who is she? / Кто она?

— She’s my ex-girlfriend. / Моя бывшая девушка.


слишком дорогой по цене

Property in this area is overpriced. / Недвижимость в этом районе

слишком дорогая.


слишком бурно отреагировать, принимать слишком

близко к сердцу

— I’m sorry for what I said. I overreacted. / Прости за то, что я

сказал. Я слишком остро отреагировал.

— That’s OK. Don’t worry. / Все нормально. Не волнуйся.


за границей

— Where do you usually travel with your family? / Куда вы обычно

ездите с семьей?

— We usually travel overseas. / Обычно мы ездим за границу.



— Why were you late this morning? / Почему ты опоздал сегодня


— I overslept and missed the bus. / Я проспал и опоздал на автобус.



own up

признаться, сознаться (в чем-то плохом)

Two boys later owned up to the prank. / Позже двое мальчиков

признались, что эту проделку устроили они.


Заполните пропуски и найдите определение или синоним для

подчеркнутых фраз.

1. The accident occurred due to bad weather conditions.

a) didn’t happen; b) actually happened; c) might have happened 2. It has never occurred to me that I could actually find another solution to this problem.

a) I never had a slightest idea; b) It never happened to me; c) It was possible

3. The director is at odds with who to lay off next month. He likes all his co-workers, but he can’t afford to keep all of them.

a) positive; b) not sure; c) trying to guess

4. The company has cancelled the deal. You can say that ... .

a) They didn’t’ have money for it. b) The deal’s off. c) The deal was not very important.

5. Property prices are off just 4%.

a) Property prices dropped by 4%. b) Property process increased by 4%. b) Property prices are likely to increase by 4%.

6. — I want you to make hotel reservations for the whole group.

— OK, I’m on it.

a) I’ll do it. b) I’ll think on that. c) I’m very interested in that.


Современная английская лексика

7. Jewelry here is outrageously ... . We can buy the same things overseas. They will be ten times less expensive.

a) cheap; b) affordable; c) overpriced

8. When someone has a violent reaction to something, you can say that this person is .... .

a) overreacting; b) crazy; c) very emotional