Goodness only knew what she had been doing since. | Одному богу известно, что она с тех пор делала. |
That sight of her face - a side view - in the row in front, had been literally the only reminder these three years that she was still alive. | Вид ее лица в профиль, в ряду впереди него, был единственным за эти три года напоминанием о том, что она вообще жива. |
No one ever spoke of her. | О ней никогда не говорили. |
And yet Jo had told him something once - something which had upset him completely. | Однажды, впрочем, Джо сказал ему одну вещь, которая тогда страшно его расстроила. |
The boy had got it from George Forsyte, he believed, who had seen Bosinney in the fog the day he was run over - something which explained the young fellow's distress - an act of Soames towards his wife - a shocking act. | Джо узнал это, кажется, от Джорджа Форсайта, который видел Босини в тумане в день, когда он попал под омнибус, - то, чем объяснялось отчаяние молодого человека, поступок Сомса по отношению к своей жене - гадкий поступок. |
Jo had seen her, too, that afternoon, after the news was out, seen her for a moment, and his description had always lingered in old Jolyon's mind -'wild and lost' he had called her. | Сам Джо видел её в тот вечер, когда узнали о несчастье, видел на одно мгновение, и его слова засели в памяти у старого Джолиона. "Загнанная, потерянная", - назвал он её. |
And next day June had gone there - bottled up her feelings and gone there, and the maid had cried and told her how her mistress had slipped out in the night and vanished. | А на следующее утро туда пошла Джун - взяла себя в руки и пошла туда - и горничная со слезами рассказала ей, как ночью её хозяйка ушла из дому и пропала. |
A tragic business altogether! | Трагическая в общем история! |
One thing was certain - Soames had never been able to lay hands on her again. | Верно одно: Сомсу так и не удалось снова завладеть ею. |
And he was living at Brighton, and journeying up and down - a fitting fate, the man of property! | И он живёт в Брайтоне [3] и ездит в Лондон и обратно так ему и надо, этому собственнику! |
For when he once took a dislike to anyone - as he had to his nephew - old Jolyon never got over it. | Ибо если уж старый Джолион не любил кого (как не любил племянника), он своего отношения никогда не менял. |
He remembered still the sense of relief with which he had heard the news of Irene's disappearance. It had been shocking to think of her a prisoner in that house to which she must have wandered back, when Jo saw her, wandered back for a moment - like a wounded animal to its hole after seeing that news, 'Tragic death of an Architect,' in the street. |