They loved music; they went to Symphony Concerts throughout the winter; they had their favourite conductors and allowed no social engagements to prevent them from attending their performances. | Они любили музыку, всю зиму посещали симфонические концерты, у них были любимые дирижеры, и никакие светские обязанности не заставили бы супругов пропустить их выступления. |
They went to hear the Ring once a year. | Раз в году они непременно слушали "Кольцо Нибелунгов". |
To listen to music was a genuine delight to both of them. | Обоим музыка доставляла истинное наслаждение. |
They had good taste and discrimination. | Они знали в ней толк и обладали хорошим вкусом. |
They were regular first-nighters and they belonged to the societies that produce plays which are supposed to be above the comprehension of plain people. | Они неизменно бывали на театральных премьерах и входили в общества, что ставят пьесы, которые считаются недоступными пониманию широкой публики. |
They read promptly the books that were talked about. | Они сразу же прочитывали книги, о которых говорят. |
They did this not only because they liked it, but because they felt it right to keep abreast of the times. | И не только потому, что им это нравилось, но и потому, что надо же идти в ногу со временем. |
They were honestly interested in art and it would be unjust even to hint a sneer because their taste lacked boldness and their appreciation originality. | Они искренне интересовались искусством, и малейшая попытка посмеяться над ними оттого, что им недоставало смелости, а их оценкам оригинальности, была бы несправедлива. |
It may be that they were conventional in their judgements, but their conventionality was that of the highest culture of their day. | Возможно, суждения их были традиционны, но то была традиционность высочайшей культуры их времени. |
They were incapable of making a discovery, but were quick to appreciate the discoveries of others. | Сами они неспособны были совершить открытие, зато живо откликались на открытия других. |
Though left to themselves they might never have seen anything very much to admire in C?zanne, no sooner was it borne in upon them that he was a great artist than in all sincerity they recognized the fact for themselves. |