Апокалипсис Средневековья. Иероним Босх, Иван Грозный, Конец Света (Косякова) - страница 182

31 Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Cod. ser. nov. 2701, 206r.

32 Иустин Мученик. Диалог с Трифоном // Памятники древнехристианской письменности в русском переводе. Т. 3. М., 1862, гл. 80.

33 Подробнее исследования эсхатологической эсхатологии: Landes R., Lest the Millennium be Fulfilled: Apocalyptic Expectations and the Pattern of Western Chronography, 100–80 °CE // The Use and Abuse of Eschatology in the Middle Ages. Leuven, 1988.

34 См: Lemprière J. Lempriere’s universal biography. NY, 1826, р. 220. Michelet J. L’histoire de France. Paris, 1835, 2:132. Landes R. The Fear of an Apocalyptic Year 1000 // Speculum, Vol. 75, 2000, рр. 97–145.

35 Druthmar Christian. Expositio in Matthaeum Evangelistam, 24.42.

36 Glaber Rodulfus. Historiarum libri quinque ab anno incarnationis DCCCC usque ad annum MXLIV.

37 Kaiser-Heinrich-Bibliothek der Staatsbibliothek Bamberg. Msc. Bibl. 140.

38 London, British Library. MS Add.10546.

39 Bibliothèque nationale de France. MS lat. 1.

4 °Cardinali, M. La Bibbia carolingia dell’Abbazia di San Paolo fuori le Mura. Vatican, 2009.

41 Saint-Sever Beatus. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS lat. 8878.

42 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France. Manuscript. lat. 6.

43 Berlin, Staatsbibliothek. Theol.lat., fol. 562.

44 Ravasi, G. The Crypt of the Cathedral of Anagni. Genova, 2012, р. 10.

45 Rome, Cod.Vat.lat.39.

46 Oxford, Bodleian Library. MS. 352.

47 Ghent, University Library. MS. 92.

48 Commentary on the Apocalypse. Ambrosius Autpertus Bibl. Patrum, xiii. 403. Haimo of Auxerre. PL 117:1085, Berengaudus. PL 17:876f.

49 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Berengaudus, fl. ca. 859.

50 Oxford, Bodleian Library. MS Laud misc. 469.

51 Kleiner, F. Gardner’s Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective Volume 1. Boston, рр. 317–319.

52 Traeger, J. Mittelalterliche Architekturfiktion: Die Allerheiligenkapelle am Regensburger Domkreuzgang. Munich, 1980, рр. 34–77. Visser D. Apocalypse as Utopian Expectation (800–1500): The Apocalypse Commentary of Berengaudus of Ferrières and the Relationship Between Exegesis, Liturgy, and Iconography. Brill, 1996, рр. 3–4.

53 Эко, У. История красоты. М., 2014, с. 89.

54 Гофф, Ж. Л. Интеллектуалы в Средние века. СПб., 2003.

55 См.: Morgan Librart, MS. 524, Bodleian Library MS Auct.D.4.17., Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 403.

56 Morgan, N. Early Gothic Manuscripts. Oxford, 1988, p. 158.

57 Deuchler, F.; Hoffeld, J.M.; Nickel H. The Cloisters Apocalypse. An erly 14th manuscripts in facsimile. NY, 1971.

58 Metz, Biblioteque municipal. MS. Salis 38. London, Lambeth Palace MS.209. Getty Museum, MS Ludwig III, Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 180. Cambridge, Trinity College, MS. Roy. 16.2.