Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 58

4. He should have said “How do you do?”?

5. English-speaking people often use first names very fast to the surprise of a lot of Europeans.

6. You are “pleased” or “glad” to meet someone, not happy.

7. It is unusual to kiss someone with whom you have a business relationship.

8. The reply should be “Fine, thanks, and you?”

9. The reply should be “I’m sorry to hear that”, or something similar.

10. The correct answer to “thank you” is “not at all” or “you’re welcome”?

11. It should be “sorry”!

12. Trendy = модный

13. This should be followed by an explanation or reason for the lateness.

14. “It’s all right” sounds as if you are not pleased.

15. Mrs needs a surname.

16. Mr needs a surname and goodnight would imply Charlie is going to bed.

17. Anglo-Saxons only shake hands upon first presentations.

18. wicked = super/extra, but is perhaps a little strong in the circumstances

19. chat up = болтать (not very appropriate in a business setting)

20. Anglo-Saxons only shake hands upon first presentations.

21. chill out = устранять напряжение

g) MRP - Material Resource Planning / Manufactured Recommended Price

h) SKU - Stock-Keeping Unit

i) OPP - Opening Price Point

j) OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer


a) ECR - Efficient Consumer Response

b) VAT-Value Added Tax (UK)

c) POS - Point of Sale

d) OTS - Opportunity to see

e) HMR - Home Meal Replacement

f) EDLP - Every Day Low Price

g) IOU - I owe you

h) FOB - Free on Board

i) GNP - Gross National Product

j) ATM - Automatic Teller Machine (US)


a) ASAP - As soon as possible

b) RSVP - ответьте, пожалуйста

c) DTP - Desk Top Publishing

d) PTO - Please turn over

e) CAD - Computer Assisted Design

0 PDQ - Pretty Damn Quick {не злоупотреблять)

g) E-mail - электронная почта

h) U - you

i) BC / AD - Before Christ / Anno Domini

j) SWALK- Sealed with a kiss!

Упражнение 2 c. 23

x-sah-j cbe-tgp w-q i-y “r” has no pair


Глава 3

Упражнение 1 IMUBll


a) ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

b) PAYE - Pay As You Earn

c) ADP - Automatic Data Processing

d) ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival

e) ETD - Estimated Time of Departure

f) HGV - Heavy Goods Vehicle

Упражнение 3 c. 23

a) Names: “Sir” - Для всех остальных нужна фамилия.

b) Greetings: “Hi, nice to see you” - informal.

c) Actions: “Shake hands” - Единственное, что вы делаете при первой встрече.

d) Well-being: “Fine, thanks, and you?” -единственный без проблем / “Wliat’s the matter” - единственный вопрос.