Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 57

d) Going well thank you / Fine, thank you / ticking along nicely.

e) I’m sorry about that. What’s the matter?

f) How do you do?

g) Yes, I think I have / No, I don’t think so / Yes, I believe we met at...

h) No, I don’t think so / Yes, we met at the conference in Johannesburg.

i) Fine, thank you / Not too bad / Dreadful, the train was late and I couldn’t find h taxi!

j) Yes, I am/No, I’m afraid I’m not.

k) And you must call me Max.

l) How do you do. I’m...

m) We met at a meeting last year.

n) Thank you that’s very kind of her. Please give her mine when you next see her.

o) Thank you and here’s mine.

p) Thank you, I’d love one / No, thank you, I’ve just had one / No, thank you, I don’t drink coffee.

q) That would be lovely.

Упражнение 5 c. 19

Well, I arrived at the office well past Ю. The appointment was for Ю o’clock but I thought “the French quarter of an hour!” (I) Upon arrival I met the Managing Director, (a really clued in bloke) (2), said “Morning! (3) How are you?” (4), and shook his hand. (I must admit I was rather surprised as we were on first name terms straight awav!) (5). I told everyone that I was very happy to meet them (6) and was then introduced to other members of staff, including Jane (do you remember her?), who I kissed on both cheeks (7) because I had met her a few times before. She asked me how I was, and I replied “fine” (8). Then I asked her how she was and she said “Not too good, I’m afraid”, so I answered “Oh” (9). She thanked me for yesterday’s e-mail with the enclosed report and I answered “OK” (Ю). I then trod on her toe and said “Excuse me” (11).

That evening we went out for a drink in a really trendy (l 2) bar. I was late again so said “I’m sorry I’m late” (13) (I was under the impression I ought to have said something different!). They all said “It’s quite all riqht”(l4) and I didn’t understand that really. I met several new people and I thought I would practise my English so said “Hello. Mrs” (15), and “Good night. Mr” (16), but this didn’t seem to go down too well. Then I went round the group and shook hands with everyone I already knew. (17) Jane said “Can I get you a drink?” so I answered “Yes, that’s a wicked idea” (18) and decided to chat her out (19). When it was time to go home, I went round the group and shook hands again. (20) Then I went off to the hotel to chill up. (21)

1. English-speaking people are usually on time!

2. Clued up = сведущий / bloke = type/тип (for a Managing Director!)

3. Morning is informal for Good morning.