Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 60

h) half past one / one thirty (pm)

i) quarter to seven / six forty-five (pm)

j) seven o’clock (pm)

k) twenty past eight / eight twenty (pm)

l) twenty-five to four / three thirty-five (pm)

Упражнение 3 c. 38

a) I am available / free on Tuesday.

b) Thursday would suit me / would be convenient.

c) I have to fix / arrange a meeting in July.

d) He could manage to come / make it on Friday morning.

e) Monday sounds fine / siuts me fine

Упражнение 4 c. 39

1. g) - 2. j) - 3. f) - 4. a) - 5. b) - 6. i) - 7. e)

- 8. d) - 9. c) -10. h) (GATT was eventually signed in 1994!)

Упражнение 5 c. 40

a) No, you can’t.

b) Yes. Independence Day.

c) No. New Year’s Day.

d) Yes. Easter Day.

e) No. Boxing Day.

0 11—Christmas Day.

g) Labour day.

h) 14th July.

i) 11th November.

j) On 30th September.

k) 29th May - 28th August.

l) Japan (15 days, but they get very little other holidays).

Упражнение 6 c. 41

a) That sounds fine / That would suit me fine.

b) Yes, I can. / No, I’m afraid I’m busy that day.

c) Friday at 10 o’clock.

d) Yes, I look forward to seeing you.

e) yes, that would be nice.

0 No problem, shall we say... / I’m afraid I can’t.

g) Of course, when were you thinking of. / Let me just look in his diary.

h) That would be lovely / I’m afraid I’m tied up that day.

i) Yes, that would be fine. / I’m afraid I’m at a conference all day Wednesday.

j) That sounds like a good idea. / I’d like that very much. / I’d love to!

k) That would be nice. / I always feel like a drink!

l) Let’s say 11 in the morning. / How about 5, then?

It is more usual to use in the morning / afternoon / evening... than am / pm in spoken English. It is unusual to use am and pm if it is obvious what time of day you are talking about!

a) 3.

b) No, every half an hour.

c) Yes.

d) Yes, for the automated booking line. You can probably pay by cheque for postal reservations or in cash, by cheque or credit card at the booking office.

e) Booking office in the PIE complex.

0 At least 2 days.

g) Yes.

h) Refreshments within the flight zone.

i) At left luggage - small items only.

j) Yes — unique times admission system.

Упражнение 8 c. 43


a) сегодня

b) завтра

c) послезавтра

d) вчера

e) позавчера

f) вчера вечером / сегодня ночью

g) пятница

h) в эти выходные

i) в будущие выходные

j) каждый день / в любой день недели

k) в ночь со среды на четверг

l) каждые два дня в июне

т) три дня назад


a) на будущей неделе

b) на прошлой неделе