Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 61

c) с понедельника по пятницу

d) каждые две недели

e) через две недели

f) через 4 недели

g) через 15 дней

h) неделя, начиная с сегодня (точно)

i) один раз в неделю в декабре

j) 15 дней назад (точно)

k) 2 раза в месяц


a) каждый триместр

b) три раза в год


Упражнение 1 с. 46

a) time

b) postpone

c) setup

d) give

e) pity, mind

f) stood me up!

g) bring forward

h) going to

i) afraid (remember, always an excuse when you apologise for something)

j) cancel

k) convenient

l) sharp

m) get back

n) make

Упражнение 2 c. 46


09.00 Sales

10.00 Meeting

03.00 Jon Jones Tuesday

09.00 ISO

10.00 ISO

11.00 ISO 07.10 Flight Wednesday TVade fair 11.00W

04.00 W Thursday

1 LOOM Black

02.00 Management

03.00 Meeting Friday

08.00 Jane Smitn

12.00 Lunch

01.00 Supplier

06.00 Leaving

07.00 Party Saturday

09.00 Dentist

07.00 Sonia Sunday

10.00 Tennis Mary

a)10-b)23-c)14d)l-e)19-025-g)2-h) 17 — i) 21 — j) 12 — k) 3 — 1) 20 — m) 4 — n) 7

- o) 24 — p) 5 — q) 15 — r) 9 — s) 22 — t) 26 — u) 8 - v) 11 - w) 16 - x) 6 - y) 18 - z) 13.

Упражнение 4 c. 51

cancel: annul, scrap, call off, be off postpone: adjourn, put off, delay, change, put back, defer

make a date: fix, set up let down: stand up, drop out an appointment: a consultation, fixture, date, meeting

Упражнение 5 c. 52

1. I’m afraid I have to let you down /1 can’t make an appointment.

2. It doesn’t really suit me.

3. Would you like an appointment for this evening?

4. Could we make an appointment?

5. Appropriate

6. Appropriate

7. The CEO cancelled the meeting (a CEO never stands one up!)

8. Appropriate

9. Could we put back the delivery date?

10. Delivery should be on the 10th.

Глава 7

Упражнение 1 с. 56

Ways of cooking

smoked - boiled - roasted - grilled - baked

- fried - steamed - poached Meat

beef - lamb - pork - mutton - veal Poultry

egg — goose - chicken - guinea fowl - turkey

- frog’s legs - duck Vegetables & salad

lettuce - cauliflower - brussel sprouts - beans

- turnip - cucumber - avocado - leeks -asparagus - green / red pepper - mushrooms

- carrots - peas - potatoes - cabbage -spinach - tomato

Drinks / nibbles

red wine - lager - peanuts - white wine -mineral water - rose - coffee - soft drinks -olives

Fish & Seafood

oysters - trout - shrimp - kipper - mussels -

prawns - pike - salmon - lobster


pheasant - hare - partridge - wild boar -

venison - rabbit

Dessert / Pudding & Fruit

pineapple - lemon - banana - raspberry -

pancake - apple - fruit salad - grapefruit -