Easily expandable high speed programs include complex arithmetic and logic operations.
The microcomputer itself comes as a conventional electronic unit mounted on standard racks apt to contain several plug-in type modules. The following modules are fitted in the standard rack:
1. Central Processor Unit (CPU).
CPU performs arithmetical and logical calculations at high speed with 8 bit words: it performs all the processing functions and is capable of addressing itself up to 64 memory bits.
2. Electronic type programmable memory (PROM) or fixed memory (ROM).
3. Memory module for electronic type data.
4. Input module connecting the CPU with the process.
5. Output module, to dispatch the microcomputer information toward the process.
6. Interface module, to adapt the input signals and input/output card capacity to the multiplexing and demultiplexing units and for A/D to D/A conversion.
Computer Hardware
The heart of the system is the Central Processing Unit (CPU), which holds both program and data, an Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU), which contains processing circuitry such as an adder, shifter, and a few fast registers for holding the operands*, and the instruction currently being processed (Fig. 10). The program counter would also be included in the ALU. One part of the CPU is a set of routing circuits which provide path between storage and the ALU and input/output controllers or channels. Many storage or input devices may be wired to one channel; but only
one device per channel can be transmitting information from or to main storage at any one time.
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Fig. 10. General organization of a computer system
In general, large computers may be thought of as having four distinct parts: a high-speed calculating unit, a memory unit, an input device and an output device.
* исходное число.
Main Engine Control System for Internal Combustion Marine Diesel Engines'
Main engine control system is used for automatic remote control and protection of main ship’s diesels. It permits to change direction and speed rotation of propeller directly from the bridge by navigators. The system consists of the equipment installed on the bridge, engine control room (ECR) locally mounted near the engine.
The set of Engine Remote Control equipment>2 in ECR essentially consists of a panel fitted up>3 with the various signalling, alarm and control facilities