Английский язык для судовых электромехаников (Кущ, Воловник) - страница 29

The third class period

22 3

Listen to the sentences and define in each of them the meaning of the word “common”.

1. In common with other students he had little time. 2. The British Parliament has two Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 3. These motors have nothing in common. 4. How do you like this meter? —Well, it’s nothing out of the common. 5. Your idea is something out of the common.

23 4

Listen carefully to the tape-recorded text and render it in English.

The wattmeter conventionally a 60-cycle power meter is not frequently used in the modern electronic laboratory. This is because phase differences are difficult to handle, and because power consumption frequencies have a different significance and are usually not measured by direct-reading meters,

Briefly, in 60-cycle measurements the wattmeter has a dynamometer movement, load current is sent through one coil and load-proportional voltage produces a current which is sent through the other. Phase differences between the two inputs reflect themselves in the repulsive or attractive forces between the coils, and a true reading of power is given by the final deflection.

24 6

Fulfil or explain the following:

1. Name the basic electrical measuring instruments (10).

2. Show a simple drawing of ammeter and voltmeter connections to a circuit.

3. Give some characteristics and applications of the most common a-c meter.

25 5

Record your answers on a tape.

1. What methods are commonly used in electrical service work to determine if the circuits of an equipment are operating properly?

2. When do they use a watt-hour or kilowatt-hour meter?

3. What is most essential in servicing and maintaining electrical equipment?

4. What advantage does a PM moving coil meter have over an iron-vane meter?

26 7

Prepare a) short talk with your fellow-student on basic electrical measuring instruments. Use ex. 24, 25. Then record your dialogue.

27 4

Solve these two problems.

1. Suppose the ammeter scales reads 1.9 amp., the voltmeter scale reads 2.4. V. How much is the value of resistance in the measured circuit?

2. Suppose the ohmmeter scale reads 75 ohms, the voltmeter scale reads 220 V. How much is the value of current in the measured circuit?

28 9

Practice pronunciation. Open your books and repeat after the speaker in pauses 3 paragraphs of the recorded text “Basic Electrical Measuring Instruments”. Thea close your books and do the same with paragraphs 4—7.

29 1

What is the name of this device?