Английский язык для судовых электромехаников (Кущ, Воловник) - страница 44

11 1

Read the words. Point out modal verbs: a) equip; b) permit; c) seem; d) happen; e) should; f) might; g) appear; h) prove; i) mention; j) would; k) must; 1) set; m) make; n) get;

o) can; p) could; q) enable.

12 4

Read the word-combinations and point out Infinitives and Participles:

a) the most common being positive; b) the effect being neglected;

c) calculated the content to be; d) found this to be true; e) the possibility of being converted; f) can write the heat energy to be, as follows; g) with all the adverse influence acting jointly; h) proofs of his having been wrong; i) with summation substituted for; j) with the oxygen normally available; k) alcohol is said to be a suitable medium; 1) conceived it as being a property of; m) two members have been found by them to contain.

13 5

Read the sentences and define in each of them the meaning of the word “fire”.

1. The regulator generates a signal which changes the firing angle of the thyristors. 2. He is between two fires and does not see the way out.

3. Dry wood soon catches fire. 4. One fire drives out another. 5. It is hardly likely that anyone will want to draw the fire of the newspapers again. 6. If you hang fire now, you will never get so good a chance

again. 7. Well, fire away! What made you do such a thing? 8. Many workers of this firm were fired and increased the army of jobless.

Translate at sight the following sentences. Mind the translation of Passive Voice.

1. An electric field will be produced between the electrodes. 2. Current is passed between the solenoid. 3. The early convention as to the direction of current has never been changed. 4. The machine is repaired.

5. The atom may be regarded as the smallest particle of an element.

6. The temperature was being increased. 7. If you were asked this question, what would your answer be? 8. These laws are simple and can be relied on. 9. The chemical action will cease immediately if the connecting wire is removed.

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In the following sentences transform Active Voice into Passive. Model. We showed the engineers the test results. — The test results were shown to the engineers. The engineers were shown the test results.

1. We showed them some of the latest models. 2. They gave the workers new tools. 3. They are developing a new method. 4. The firm has sent us the price list. 5. A compressed air mechanism moves the plate.

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Home exercise. Look through the text and find equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations.

Электроприводы буксирных лебедок, буксировка на гибкой связи (1); неустановившееся движение (1); учитывая оптимальные соотношения скоростей (1); на средней скорости (1); по схеме двойного питания от сети (1); тиристорный преобразователь частоты с непосредственной связью (2); нормальная скорость выбирания троса (3); расчетная мощность (4); режим 30 минут (4); импульсное включение (4).