look n 1 . взгляд, е.g. There was something strange in his look.
Syn. stare, gaze, е.g. Lanny returned the man's stare, but didn't utter a word. The girl blushed
when she noticed the stranger's fixed gaze.
to have a look at взглянуть, е.g. Have a look at this photo, do you recognize the man?
Note: The English for взгляд = точка зрения is idea, opinion, (point of) view, е.g. I don't
know his point of view оn (views on, idea(s) of, opinion of) this subject.
2. выражение, е.g. A took of pleasure came to her face. There was an angry look in her eyes,
2. to differ υi i. различаться, отличаться (from smb. or smth. in smth.), е.g. The two
brothers differ in their tastes. His plan differs from all the others.; 2. не соглашаться, расходиться
во взглядах (from/with smb. in smth.), е.g. I differ from (with) you in this matter.
Ant. agree (with smb.; to smth.), е.g. Let's agree to differ (пусть каждый останется при
своем мнении).
different adj 1. непохожий, не такой, отличный от (from), е.g. Не is quite different from
what I thought him to be. I want a different kind of book this time (but I prefer books of a different
kind). Our views on life are different.
Ant. alike, е.g. Our tastes are alike.
Note: Don't confuse the words different and another which may be translated by the same
Russian word другой; е.g. I want another (другой = еще один) piece of cake. I want a different
(другой = другого copra, вида и т. д.) piece of cake. Let's try another (еще один) variant Let's by a
different (иного рода) variant.
2. разный, различный, е.g. A department store sells many different things. Every day our
students get different written assignments.
differencen разница, различие, е.g. The difference between our views is not very great. I
don't find much difference in the styles of these writers.
to make some (no, not much) difference (to smb.), е.g. It won't make much difference
whether we do it today or tomorrow. You may stay or leave, it makes no difference to me.
3. restυ i/t 1. отдыхать, лежать, спать; давать отдых, е.g. Не rested for an hour before
going on with his work. She likes to rest after dinner. They stopped to rest their horses.
2. опираться, покоиться, держаться на чём- n., е.g. The roof rests on eight columns. There
is always a cloud resting on the top of this mountain.
3. оставаться (лежать); класть, прислонять, е.g. Her fingers touched his forehead and
rested there. She sat with her elbows resting on the table.
Note: The Russian word оставаться has several English equivalents,