Практический курс английского языка 2 курс (Аракин) - страница 13

Пусть все

остается как есть. Let the matter rest. Я не хочу здесь оставаться. I don't want to stay here. У нас

осталось только 5 рублей. Only 5 roubles are left Все остается без изменений Everything

remains without any changes.

restn покой, отдых, сон, е.g. Rest is necessary after work. I had a good night's rest. We had

several rests on our way up the mountains. But: Он отдыхал на юге. Не spent his holiday in the


restn (always with def. article) остаток, остальное, остальная часть чего-л.

the rest of (the time, the books, etc.), е.g. Have you written all the exercises? — No, only

half of them. The rest (of the exercises) may be done orally. Only five of us were present at the

lesson, the rest (of the group) went to the meeting. I'll take an apple and you may take the rest.

4. comfortable adj 1. удобный; комфортабельный; уютный, е.g. a comfortable chair,

room, bed, house; comfortable shoes, etc.; 2. predic разг. довольный, спокойный, чувствующий

себя удобно, е.g. I'm sure you'll be very comfortable there.

to make oneself comfortable, е.g. Mr. Murdoch made himself comfortable in a chair and

ordered a strong black coffee.

Ant. uncomfortable

comfortn 1. утешение, поддержка, е.g. The news brought comfort to all of us. He was a

great comfort to his parents.; 2. успокоение, покой, отдых, е.g. to be fond of comfort, to live in


Ant. discomfort

comfortυt утешать, успокаивать

comfortingadj утешительный, успокоительный, е.g. comforting words.

Note: convenient adj means suitable, handy, serving to avoid trouble or difficulty; е.g.

convenient time, method, tool, place, etc. Will this bus be convenient to/for you? Let's arrange a

convenient time and place for the conference.

Ant. inconvenient

convenience n 1. удобство (the quality of being convenient or suitable), е.g. at your earliest

convenience; for convenience; 2. (pl.) удобства (device, arrangement, etc. that is useful or

convenient, е.g. central heating, hot water supply), е.g. The house has all modern conveniences. Ant.


5. to run (ran, run) υi/t 1. бежать, бегать, е.g. 1 ran all the way for fear of being late. As

soon as we fired, the enemy ran.

2. ходить, плыть, курсировать (о трамваях, автобусах и пр.), е.g. Trams run on rails.

Motor cars ran along ordinary roads. The buses run every five minutes.

3. течь, литься, е.g. Torrents of water ran down the streets. Rivers run into the sea. Don't you

hear the water running in the kitchen? If you have a bad cold, your nose runs.