Николай Гоголь. Жизнь и творчество (Книга для чтения с комментарием на английском языке) (Манн) - страница 121

Socialist Révolution Moscow again became the capital city (in 1918).

Аксаков, (Constantin Sergeyevich Aksakov (1817–1860), Russian critic, publicist and poet, one of the foun-ders of the Slavophiie movement. Не was the son of S. Aksakov (see Notes to Ch. 1).

Погодин, Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin (1800–1875), Russian historian, writer and journalist, prof essor of Moscow University.

Загоскин, Mikhail Nikolayevich Zagoskin (1789–1852), Russian writer. Author of comédies, stories and novels, of which the most popular are Yuri Miloslavsky, or The Russians in 1612 and Roslavlev, or The Russians in 1812.

Дмитриев, Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriyev (1760–1837), Russian writer of the Sentimentalist school, author of numerous songs, elegies and fables.

Курск, town in European Russia.

станционный смотритель (hist.), postmaster.

навешать оплеухи (pop.), to beat, to give a thrashing.

городничий (hist.), governor of a town.

фельдъегерь (hist.; Ger. Feldjager), war Courier delivering important documents.

адъютант (hist.), aide-de-camp, a military or naval officer acting as assistant to a superior.

титулярный советник (hist.), official of the 9th rank (there were 14 altogether); corresponds to the military rank of captain.

a ты себе и в ус не дуешь (phras.), you are not concerned with anything.

Киреевский, Ivan Vasilyevich Kireyevsky (1806–1856), Russian philosopher, literary critic and publicist: one of the founders of the Slavophiie movement.

Киреевский, Pyotr Vasilyevich Kireyevsky (1808–1856), student of Russian folklore and literary monuments, publicist of the Slavophiie trend. Brother of I. Kireyevsky.

Бодянский, Osip Maximovich Bodyansky (1808–1877), Russian philologist and historian; one of the founders of Slavic studies in Russia.

Максимович, Mikhail Alexandrovich Maximovich (1804–1873), Ukrainian and Russian writer, literary critic, journalist and naturalist. He was a professor at Kiev University.

Баратынский, Yevgeny Abramovich Baratynsky (1800–1844), Russian poet, author of the long poems Eda, The Ball, The Gypsy Girl, and numerous lyrics.

Надеждин, Nikolai Ivanovich Nadezhdin (1804–1856), Russian critic, student of aesthetics and journalist; he was a professor at Moscow University and published the magazine Teleskop (The Telescope), supplemented by the newspaper Molva (Common Talk).

Станкевич, Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich (1813–1840), Russian philosopher and poet, head of an influential philosophical circle in Moscow.

Белинский, Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky (1811–1848), Russian critic, journalist and philosopher; author of many works devoted to Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov and other Russian writers.