Николай Гоголь. Жизнь и творчество (Книга для чтения с комментарием на английском языке) (Манн) - страница 123

dramas (The Fair-booth, The Rose and the Cross) and many lyric poems.

Белый, Andrei Bely (pseudonym of Boris Nikolayevich Bugayev; 1880–1934), Russian poet and novelist; author of the novel St. Petersburg.

поручик (hist.), a lower officer’s rank in the tsarist army.

Григорьев, Apollon Alexandrovich Grigoryev (1822–1864), Russian literary critic and poet.

в должность (arch.), to the office, to the place of work.

"…Я сама чтобы лежала возле…", the Persian, whose Russian is faulty, mixes up grammatical forms, using the feminine verb endings instead of the masculine.

палевый, straw pink.

Панаев, Ivan Ivanovich Panayev (1812–1862), Russian writer and journalist who closely associated with V. Belinsky and N. Nekrasov

гомерическая эпопея, a composition resembilng the classical Greek epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey, attributed to Homer.

Лажечников, Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov (1792–1869), Russian writer, author of the historical novels The Last Novik, or The Conquest of Livonia under Peter the Great, The Ice House, and The Infidel.

Срезневский, Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevsky (1812–1880), Russian specialist in Slavonic studies and ethnographer; member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

светлица (arch.), the finest room of a house.

реляция (arch.), written despatch on the progress of hostilities.

Потоцкий, Nikolai Potocki (7-1651), Ukrainian hetman who fought Bogdan Khmelnitsky (see Notes to Ch. 1) and was defeated by him. Stanislaw Potocki (1579–1667), Ukrainian hetman who also fought Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

Остряница (Остраница), Ostranitsa, one of the leaders of the Cossack troops who fought the Poles. He was put to death in Warsaw in 1638.

Ефремов, Alexander Pavlovich Yefremov (1814–1876), member of Stankevich's philosophical circle and Belinsky’s friend; professor of geography at Moscow University.

Садовский, Prov Mikhailovich Sadovsky (1818–1872), actor of the Maly Theatre in Moscow who founded a famous dynasty of actors.

Булгарин, Faddei Venediktovich Bulgarin (1789–1859), Russian writer and journalist with reactionary leanings, who published the newspaper Severnaya pchela (the Northern Bee) and the magazine Syn otechestva (Son of Our Country).

Сенковский, Osip Ivanovich Senkovsky (1800–1858), Russian writer, critic, journalist and Orientalist; he edited and published the magazine Biblioteka dlya chteniya (Reader's Library).

Греч, Nikolai Ivanovich Grech (1787–1867), Russian writer, journalist and philologist; at one time he was the copublisher of Severnaya pchela and Syn otechestva.