Практический курс английского языка 3 курс. Ключи (Аракин) - страница 5

to raise a problem – ставить задачу, поднимать проблему
to have impact on smb – повлиять на что-либо (резко)
to make oneself clear – изъясняться, прояснять, высказаться ясно
to react to smth. – воздействовать на что-либо, реагировать, отзываться,
to influence smb. – влиять, воздействовать на кого-либо
to have an influence on smb. – иметь влияние на кого-либо
to (in) some degree – в некотором отношении, в некоторой степени
to succeed in smth. – преуспеть, иметь успех
Unit three (four). Speech patterns.
It was up to me to find some way through them. (Именно я должен был найти способ …)
It was up to their daughters to provide smart clothing for themselves.
It was up to the elder boy to find some way out. Its up to the nurse to soothe the patient.
I felt angry and frustrated when they rudely interrupted that which was being done purely for their own benefit. (Я рассердился и расстроился, когда они грубо прервали то, было сделано чисто для их собственного блага.)
I felt sick and dirtied. The pastry smells good. How sweet the music sounds. The grapes taste sour.
The act was intended to display their utter disrespect for me.
The valet began to feel admiration for his new master.
Scarlet looked at him with the affectionate contempt that mothers feel for small swaggering sons.
She didnt know anything about her nephews love for the
But: His love of learning can be respected.
I looked at her for some moment before daring to open my mouth. They didnt dare to attack us, did they? He dared to escape.
He dared to meet his enemy face to face. But: How dare you do such a thing?
He darent say it matters.
I dare say the difficulty will disappear.
I dare say it doesnt matter.
Vocabulary notes.
school n – 1) учебное заведение для детей (nursery school – детский сад, primary school – начальная школа, secondary school – среднее учебное заведение, boarding school – пансион, compulsory school age –обязательное образование) 2) (без артикля) учебное время, процесс обучения, занятия. 3) ученический состав. 4) любое учебное заведение, отделение университета, факультет (ballet school – балетная школа law school – школа права) 5) организация людей по интересам to go to school, to be at school – учиться в школе schooling n – обучение, образование scholar n – ученый (особенно филолог) scholarship n – стипендия
advantage n – 1) преимущество, выгода 2) польза, прибыль
to have (win, gain, give smb.) an advantage (over smb.) – иметь
преимущество перед к-либо
to have the advantage of – иметь преимущество в чем-либо