Чернобыль. История катастрофы (Хиггинботам) - страница 293

_______. Chernobyl: The Forbidden Truth. Translated by Michèle Kahn and Julia Sallabank. Foreword by David R. Marples. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.

Yelinskaya, T. N., ed. Chernobyl: Labor and Heroism. Dedicated to Krasnoyarsk Liquidators of the Chernobyl Accident [Чернобыль: Труд и подвиг. Красноярским ликвидаторам Чернобыльской аварии посвящается]. Krasnoyarsk: Polykor, 2011, www.krskstate.ru/dat/bin/atlas_let_attach/1008_book_1_131.pdf.

Yevsiukov, Yuri. Pripyat [Припять]. Kiev: Mystetstvo, 1986.

Zemtsov, Ilya. Lexicon of Soviet Political Terms. Edited by Gay M. Hammerman. Fairfax, VA: Hero Books, 1985.

Zickel, Raymond E., ed. Soviet Union: A Country Study. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1991.

Zlobin, G.K., and V. Y. Pinchuk, eds. Chernobyl: Post-Accident Construction Program [Чорнобиль: Післяаварійна програма будівництва], Kiev Construction Academy. Kiev: Fedorov, 1998.

Аналитические отчеты, статьи и публикации

Abakumov, Vitali. “Analyzing the causes and circumstances of the 1975 accident on Unit One of Leningrad NPP (perspective of an engineer-physicist, participant and witness to the events)” [Анализ причин и обстоятельств аварии 1975 года на 1-м блоке ЛАЭС (комментарий инженера-физика, участника и очевидца событий)]. April 10, 2013, http://accidont.ru/Accid75.html.

Abrams, Herbert L. “How Radiation Victims Suffer.” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists 42, no. 7 (1986). (August/September 1986): 13–17.

Amerisov, Alexander. “A Chronology of Soviet Media Coverage.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 42, no. 7 (August/September 1986): 38–39.

Ananenko, Alexei. “Recollections of a Senior Machine Engineer of the 2nd Reactor Shop” [Воспоминания старшего инженера-механика реакторного цеха № 2 Алексея Ананенка]. Interview. Soyuz Chernobyl. April 4, 2013, www.souzchernobyl.org/?id=2440.

“Angelina Konstantinovna Guskova: Biography” [Гуськова Ангелина Константиновна: биография], Rosatom, www.biblioatom.ru/founders/guskova_angelina_konstantinovna.

ApSimon, Helen, and Julian Wilson. “Tracking the Cloud from Chernobyl.” New Scientist, no. 1517 (July 17, 1986): 42–45.

Arutunyan, Rafael V. “The China Syndrome” [Китайский синдром]. Priroda, no. 11 (November 1990): 77–83.

Associated Press. “Text of the Politburo Statement About Chernobyl.” New York Times, July 21, 1986.

_______. “A Top Soviet Aide Details Situation at Stricken Plant.” May 3, 1986.

Astakhova, Alla. Interview with Alexander Borovoi. “The Liquidator” [Ликвидатор], Itogi 828, no. 17 (April 23, 2012),