Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 47

creativity of students.

is to provide high-level training and the training of qual-

Uzbekistan follows the path of development of a

ified personnel on the basis of modern training pro-

democratic, legal and civil society, and in connection grams. The educational institution is preparing the con-with this, the most important idea is to foster a harmo-ditions for obtaining knowledge of the younger genera-

niously developed personality. The main requirement of

tion. The need of students for knowledge, the formation

our state, which is on the path of development, is per-of abilities, the direction of their development increases

sonnel training based on the development of modern

the responsibility of the teacher.

economy, science, culture, engineering and technology.

Teachers must keep in touch with their special edu-

The implementation of the "National Training Pro-

cation and other pedagogical sciences. There should

gram" provides for:

always be questions: “Why is it necessary to pass?”, Ensuring continuing education;

“How to teach?” find answers to these questions, pay Introducing





attention to the requirements of the educational process.

achievements of modern world science.

To expand the effectiveness of the educational pro-

For the processes of radical reform in various edu-

cess, a central place in personal education and providing

cational institutions, it is necessary to ensure the use of

students with knowledge is necessary for a teacher with

excellent training who is constantly working on himself,


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

consolidating the experience gained, using modern ped-

1. Initially, classes should be simple and gradually

agogical technologies and interactive methods in prac-

become more complex.

tice. In order for the teacher to use the learning time as

2. At first, do not expect flawless execution. Pro-

efficiently as possible, he needs to arm himself with all

vide students with several opportunities to practice role-

the achievements of modern pedagogical technologies,

playing and model historical and contemporary situa-

interactive methods, and knowledge. The teacher must

tions. Try to constantly change the type of activity.

know the psychology of students and master the practice

3. There are four main components to conducting

of communication, know the various methods of peda-

such lessons:

gogical technologies and be able to use them in practice.