Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 48

a) Preliminary planning and preparation for the les-

In determining the status of pedagogical technolo-

son of the teacher;

gy, it is useful to correlate it with the scientific concept b) Training and education of students;

that underlies it, indicate the nomenclature of the goals c) Active participation of the class in the lesson;

achieved with its help, and determine all essential fea-d) Detailed discussion and pondering of the lesson

tures. Signs of educational technology are:

(lesson examples).

 goals (in the name of which it is necessary for Educational and pedagogical games, in turn, are

the teacher to apply it);

divided into several types:

 the availability of diagnostic tools, patterns of

1. Games using a fairy tale plot. A distinctive fea-

structuring the interaction of teachers and students, al-ture of such lessons is the imaginary attraction of fabu-

lowing to design (program) the pedagogical process;

lous magic characters to educational activities.

 a system of means and conditions guaranteeing

All events are depicted sequentially, with all the

the achievement of pedagogical goals;

fabulous elements.

 tools for analyzing the process and results of

These are such lessons:

teacher and student activities. In this regard, the integral

 a lesson tale;

properties of pedagogical technology are its integrity,

 travel lesson;

optimality, effectiveness, applicability in the real condi-

 "Visiting a fairy tale";

tions of the educational process.

 "Mysterious Island".

Consider an example: Theme. Active learning

2. Educational fantasy games. In these lessons,

methods. Business games.

with the help of imagination, a high emotional uplift and

The purpose of the lesson: Methodological and or-

mental tension are created, with the help of the game the

ganizational forms of independent work of students in most difficult concepts are remembered.

the academic lyceum;

Most often, these are generalized lessons:

Keywords: technology of alternative education, sit-

 fantasy lesson;

uation modeling.

 a lesson in creative thought;

Methodology of role-playing games (steps).

 cartoon lesson;

1. The choice of a game situation. There are many

 drawn film lesson;

situations that can serve as material for role-playing

 lesson "In the world of animals";

games. During the game, students develop the skills of

 lesson “Binom-fantasy”.

interviewing negotiations, research and decision mak-