Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 49

3. Business games. Business games are built on

ing, the ability to fend for themselves.

playing professional roles. In these games, the condi-2. Preparation and warm-up. Students become fa-

tions of professional activity are psychologically mod-miliar with the problem, and roles are distributed among

eled, reproduced with the necessary modifications (ac-

them. A warm-up is being held.

cording to the level of children, the topic of the lesson).

3. The choice of participants.

Lessons based on the principle of a business game

4. Holding the game. Students themselves choose

allow at least occasionally shifting the needs for crea-the style of their behavior in the framework of the game

tion. Indeed, when in the process of the game the stu-in accordance with how a person who got into this situa-

dents help each other, their actions acquire socially sig-

tion would act in life. Conducting a game is role-

nificant value, they are driven not only by consumer, playing.

but also by productive motivation.

5. Modeling the situation. Participants respond to a

These are the types of lessons:

specific problem in a given situation.

 Business game "Edition";

Purpose: role-playing and modeling of situations -

 Offsetting lessons;

these two approaches are qualitatively different, they

 Lesson dialogue;

complement each other and have common goals:

 Literary portrait;

The strongest development of imagination and

rhythmic thinking skills;

"Investigators are experts";

Lesson-meeting of the "expert group";

encouraging expression, attitude and apprecia-

Lesson comparison;


 Lesson panorama;

education of the ability to develop and think


Oral journal;

alternative modes of action;

"Live newspaper";

Lesson study;

development of empathy.


Teaching tips for the teacher:

Lesson excursion;


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

Cinema Travel

voluntary submission of all participants to certain (spe-

II. Educational and role-playing (business) games.

cial) rules.

In the training and education of the young genera-

Thirdly, the game should be characterized by un-

tion, the central place is occupied by lessons built in the

certainty of the outcome and thus intrigue.

form of a game.

Fourthly, the game should provide higher, in com-

Educational games are a fairly diverse phenome-

parison with the usual forms of the lesson, training, de-

non, but all of these games have many common features