Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 51

provided during manufacture and is implemented in

Union scientific and technical conference "Improving operation.

the efficiency and to use for car - stably transport in hot

The technical content of reliability consists of the



high-ra nd ones" . Union

development of specific requirements and the imple-

and P espub Likanskii conferences are held on a regular

mentation of structurally technological measures in the basis [2,3].

field of production, ensuring an increase in the reliabil-

Bus plants are interested in receiving information

ity of the car, as well as in the field of operation, ensur-

about the first failures aggregates and parts, as well as ing the implementation of reliability at minimum cost.

indicators of the reliability properties of their products.

The tasks of the areas of production and operation

In 1975 -1981 years on the basis of economic con-

in the problem of ensuring reliability are closely interre-

tracts with the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of

lated: they complement each other and serve as a single

bus were conducted "Research operational reliability goal to increase the reliability and efficiency of

LiAZ buses , LAZ, PAZ and Icarus in a controlled

cars. One of the main aspects of this problem is opera-eq with pluatatsii strongholds in the city of Tashkent" .

tional reliability, that is, reliability implemented under


certain operating conditions [1].

The annual and final reports, discussed at the au-

Reliability of cars is characterized by their reliabil-

tomakers reflected indicators buses reliability proper-

ity, durability, maintainability and maintainability in the

ties , operating in hot climates , identified assemblies regulated conditions of operation, maintenance, repair

and components, critical in terms of reliability, pro-and overhaul, storage and transportation.

posed tie-improving design and technology manufac-

The operating conditions under which cars are used

tures and buses.

affect the operating modes of units and parts, accelerat-

Features of the nature of Uzbekistan are determined

ing or slowing down changes in the parameters of their

by its position in the center of the continent, away from

technical condition. Under different operating condi-

the oceans. The republic coexist snow-covered moun-

tions, the realized values of the reliability indicators of tain peaks and stagnant boilers and us lying below the automobiles will vary, which will affect the perfor-level of the oceans, bare sand, an endless maze of ramance indicators of technical operation.