Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 79

understand where and what is happening. Where does

similar trend was caused by too much territory of Ka-the budget go, and how efficient is it? If you are at that

zakhstan, as well as too low population density. There-

stage when you have to do everything yourself, then do

fore, many companies and enterprises mainly used the

not be lazy to keep statistics, analyze everything and try

tools of TV, radio and outdoor advertising. However,

something new.

today, we see that more and more people began to use 2. Not grab everything at once and right today.

the Internet, became users of social networks and more

Make yourself an action plan and follow it, making the

began to make purchases and services online.

necessary adjustments. For example, in the first month Seeing this development trend, the companies also

you are promoting your account on social networks (Fa-

began to switch to online mode, where they could find cebook, Instagram), in the second month you are opti-their new customers. Therefore, in recent years, the ac-

mizing your site and so on.

tivity of many companies and enterprises on the Internet

3. Invest in online advertising. You should remem-

has increased markedly, but not all of them use the tools

ber that unlike other promotion tools (TV, radio, etc.), of online promotion correctly. There are three main rea-you can always monitor the conversion of your funds

sons for this:

using various automated indicators (detailed statistics, First, there is no long-term promotion strategy.

conversion tracking, CTR, ROI).

Many Kazakhstani companies, even if they are present

Taking all this into account, we can safely say that

in the worldwide network, do not always use all of its the future is certainly Internet marketing, although it is capabilities. Very often, they create websites, accounts still difficult to predict how actively it will develop, in social networks and instant messengers. However,

because every day there are a lot of new applications, they incorrectly position themselves in the Internet

sites and services that can be delivered overnight. Eve-

space and do not know how to respond to online contact

rything upside down, and set a new development vector.

with network users. They do not create conditions for Nevertheless, the prospects for the development of mar-the further development of their sites in the network.