Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 81

The average cost of a car in this segment is from 20

larities relative to each other and the attractiveness of a

million and more. In this segment fall brands such as: particular model in the eyes of the client is very im-Lexus. Land Rover, BMW. This segment is historically

portant, but not just the car itself, but service and stable since buyers in this segment are not very sensitive

maintenance are of even greater importance. And the

to the crisis in the economy and choose a car for com-client is not always completely satisfied with the work pletely different factors. This segment occupies about of specialists.

5% of the market.

The automotive market in Kazakhstan is different

Another marketing feature is bad roads. The key

from the Western market, and accordingly the auto-

point is that the use of a car means frequent contact with

marketing is different, which means the methods of sale,

a car service. Not the best roads - this is one of the rea-

advertising, promotion. If we consider the main points sons why a large number of Kazakhstans prefer to buy of Kazakhstan marketing, we can first of all note that domestic cars. Everything is simple here - cheap cars the car was rarely considered a means of first necessity,

and affordable spare parts that are always available and

and if the family bought the car, then it usually uses it the price for repairs is affordable. It is worth noting that for a long time than in European or American countries.

for the above reasons, domestic cars do not need mar-A factor such as long-term operation should be consid-

keting very much, since cars are bought quite willingly,

ered by advertising agencies if they want to promote car

and there is always a demand for them. Of great im-marketing. It should also be borne in mind that there are

portance is the seasonality of car marketing. Car retail-

a large number of different car brands on the market that

ers are activated after spring and summer. And this is combine good quality and reliability. In such cases,

quite logical, because people need something to go to marketing specialists will need to develop new promo-the cottage or on vacation, and marketing specialists tion methods that will be based on powerful emotional should adapt to seasonal factors. It is also worth noting