Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 82

messages that will have a positive impact on the con-the discount policy, which is also important. Discount sumer [1].

can play a big role in an advertising company. A five to

Kazakhstan auto market is quite segmented. Each

ten percent discount from the initial high price is a sig-

segment in turn moves in its own direction. Each seg-nificant savings for any average family, as well as a ment has its most characteristic car models.

decisive factor in favor of the purchase. Even discounts

It is conditionally possible to divide the car market

can strongly affect demand - this is a fact. If we talk of Kazakhstan into 4 segments according to the level of

about service, then not everywhere it corresponds to

prices for cars:

what is desired. So effective car service marketing can 1.Budget cars. The most massive segment (about

provide a significant influx of new customers.

40-45% of the market) The most characteristic brands: This influx will be based on the following factors:

LADA, Ravon, Renault. Although the latter is gradually

 an individual approach to clients;

moving from this segment to the next. The average cost

 convenient system of discounts;

of selling a car in the segment of 3-5 million. This seg-

 providing a guarantee for all types of services;

ment is growing rapidly due to the fact that buyers have

 provision of all possible services.

become sensitive to the price of the car.

It is necessary to constantly provide information to

2.Lower middle segment. This segment occupies

future customers about what services the service can

about 20-25% of the market. Here are such well-known

provide them. So, newspapers, television, radio, and the

brands as Hyundai, KIA. The average cost of selling a Internet serve as tools for good car service marketing.

car in the segment is 5-10 million tenge. This segment is

In 2019, the car market in Kazakhstan shows signs

growing, but not so fast. Some buyers leave due to ris-

of growth after a catastrophic fall in 2015-2018. The ing prices in this segment to the budget, and some, on overall improvement in the performance of car dealers the contrary, to the upper middle.

is associated with a gradual improvement in the situa-3.Upper middle segment. This segment occupies

tion in the economy (which we already talked about in about 25-27% of the market. Cars with a cost of 10 to earlier posts), the accumulated demand from the popula-20 million tenge. The most popular Toyota brand