Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 92

Tris laughed. Jair, just two years older, had shared Tris's love for adventure, much to King Harrol's chagrin. "I'll introduce you to Kiara at the reception. By then it'll be too late."

Jair clapped a hand on his shoulder. "I've heard some of what you had to go through to free Margolan. I'm sure the news that reached Dhasson is only half the story. I'm sorry about Uncle Bricen, Aunt Serae, and Kait."

"Thanks." Tris managed a sad smile. "Now, get going before you miss the entertainment. Carroway will never forgive me if I hold up the guests."

King Staden and Princess Berwyn arrived from Principality before nightfall. "The least a mage of your power could do is magic-up some better weather!" Staden joked, embracing Tris like a son. "Won't be too long before the mountain passes close altogether. Of course, I guess it assures you that your northern company won't stay too long."

"Is Jonmarc here?" Berry asked. She was dressed for court in a gown of dark green Mussa silk accented with pearls. A fine headpiece of gold mesh covered her auburn hair. It was difficult to look at the young lady on Staden's arm and remember the tomboy

captive Tris and his companions had freed from the slavers less than a year ago.

Tris laughed. "Yes, he's here. And I imagine Carina won't mind too awfully much if you claim a dance or two with him. Just between us, I think Jonmarc's going to propose to her any day now."

Berry beamed and clapped, forgetting herself enough to give a little hop of glee. "I hope you're right!" She returned the conspiratorial whisper. "You know, Kiara and I have been working on that project for a while now."

"I never doubted it for a moment," Tris replied.

"Your majesty," Crevan interrupted as Tris greeted a long line of well-wishers. Tris caught Carroway's eye, signaling for the musicians to begin early. "We have unexpected guests."


"King Kalcen of Eastmark-and his entire retinue," Crevan replied.

"That's a first, isn't it?"

"King Radomar, Kalcen's father, never forgave Bricen for the marriage pact between Margolan and Isencroft. We've had ambassadors in Eastmark, but there's been no meeting between the crowns of Margolan and East-mark in over twenty years. We issued the invitation out of politeness, but I never expected them to come."

Tris drew a deep breath and squared his shoulders. He wanted nothing so much as the chance to slip off somewhere far removed from the politics of court to talk privately with Kiara. That was unlikely to happen for many hours. "Well, they're here. Let's make sure we don't start another war."