Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 95

"I hope that's a good thing."

Donelan's dark eyes were shrewd, and Jonmarc felt like an item for sale at a bazaar. "I understand you're the new Lord of Dark Haven."

"Very new."

"And you wear your sword, even in your friend's palace."

Jonmarc shrugged.. "'King's Sword.' Tris made the title up just so I had an excuse to wear my sword whenever I'm around him. Makes him feel safer that way." He shook his head. "I'll admit-after storming the battlements to get in here just last summer, it's a bit strange to walk in through the front door. And I spent six weeks healing my bones in' these rooms. I feel as if I never left."

"Kiara's told me some of what happened during that battle-although I suspect that she's minimized the more dangerous parts that involved her." Donelan cleared his throat. "I'll come straight to the point. Carina's like a daughter to me. I'm concerned for her happiness. I've given Carina leave to winter in Dark Haven. But before she goes, I would know- what are your intentions toward her?"

Any flippant remark that might have crossed Jonmarc's mind died in his throat at the look in Donelan's eyes. His mouth went dry. "I love

her," he said, finding his heart beating as quickly as if he were riding into battle. "I want to marry her."

Donelan regarded him in silence for a moment. "Your reputation is not unknown- even in Isencroft. I've heard about Chauvrenne, and about later…escapades. What of the bounty hunters?"

Jonmarc drew a deep breath. "I've paid off the hunters. Tris lifted the bounty Jared set. Everything's settled-except for Eastmark."

"Kiara told me about that, too. I've asked King Kalcen to remove the bounty." The king took a step closer to Jonmarc, and his dark eyes blazed. "Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I'm entrusting Carina to your protection. If she's in any way dishonored, I'll personally set a bounty that will bring every hunter in the Winter Kingdoms to your doorstep. Am I understood?"

"Completely, your majesty."

Just as quickly as he had grown serious, Donelan brightened. "Very well then, that's done. Now-I understand you're partial to river rum. How about a drink?"

KIARA WAITED IN her room, looking out the mullioned window at the bonfires that blazed in the courtyard below. Jae perched on her shoulder. She stroked the little gyregon absently, deep in thought. So much had changed since the night she and the others had battled Jared and Arontala within these same walls. Kiara listened to the bells chime the ninth hour, waiting for Donelan to escort her to yet another party in her honor. Carroway had done himself proud with the festivities; the ball would go on well into the night.