Английский язык с Робин Гудом (Автор) - страница 67

). He tried to stop it, but he couldn't (он попытался остановить ее, но не смог). He tried to open the door (он попытался открыть дверь), but the prioress had locked it (но настоятельница заперла ее; lock — замок, запор; to lock — запирать ключом, запирать на замок). The window was high up (окно было слишком высоко), and he was too weak to get to it (и он был слишком слаб, чтобы добраться до него).

room [ru:m], blood [blAd], tried [traId], locked [lOkt], window ['wIndqu], high [haI], weak [wi:k]

The prioress went out of the room. Robin's blood was still running out. He tried to stop it, but he couldn't. He tried to open the door, but the prioress had locked it. The window was high up, and he was too weak to get to it.

His horn was at his side (его рожок лежал рядом с ним; side — сторона, бок, край; пространство вблизи кого-либо/чего-либо; at smb.'s side — рядом с кем-либо), and he sounded it three times (и он протрубил в него три раза). The sound was very weak, but Little John heard it (звук был очень слабый, но Малыш Джон услышал его). He was under a tree, just outside Kirkleys (он был под деревом, как раз напротив Кирклей; outside — снаружи, извне; на улице, вне дома).

The big man ran to the priory (высокий мужчина побежал в монастырь). He broke the strong black door (он сломал крепкую черную дверь; to break), and he broke other doors inside (и он сломал другие двери внутри). At last he broke the door of Robin's room (наконец он сломал дверь в комнату Робина).

Robin was near to death (Робин был близок к смерти).

«Oh, Robin, Robin,» cried Little John. «This is a bad place (это скверное место). I'll carry you out (я вынесу тебя отсюда), and then I'll come back (и затем я вернусь), and burn Kirkleys to the ground (и сожгу Кирклей дотла; to burn — гореть, пылать /об огне, пожаре и т. п./; сжигать; ground — земля; to the ground — дотла), and all the bad women in it (и всех скверных женщин, /живущих/ в нем).»

horn [hO:n], outside ['aut'saId], inside ["In'saId], death [deT], burn [bq:n], ground [graund]

His horn was at his side, and he sounded it three times. The sound was very weak, but Little John heard it. He was under a tree, just outside Kirkleys.

The big man ran to the priory. He broke the strong black door, and he broke other doors inside. At last he broke the door of Robin's room.

Robin was near to death.

«Oh, Robin, Robin,» cried Little John. «This is a bad place. I'll carry you out, and then I'll come back, and burn Kirkleys to the ground, and all the bad women in it.»