Как поступить в американский университет и обучаться в нём бесплатно (Ахманов) - страница 49

– University of Michigan TOEFL, GRE, GRE S рекомендован; PhD Department of Physics, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

– Ohio State University TOEFL, GRE, GRE S; PhD Department of Physics, Columbus, Ohio 43210

– Ohio University TOEFL, GRE; PhD Department of Physics, Athens, Ohio 45701

– Bowling Green State University TOEFL, GRE; MS Department of Physics & Astronomy Bowling Green, Ohio 43403

– Case Western Reserve University TOEFL; PhD Department of Physics, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

– Purdue University TOEFL; PhD Department of Physics, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1968

– Indiana University, Bloomington TOEFL, GRE; PhD Graduate Admissions Comittee, Department of Physics Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405-4201

– University of Illinois at Chicago TOEFL, GRE; PhD Department of Physics, Chicago, Illinois 60680-5220

– Iowa State University of Science & Technology, Ames TOEFL, GRE, GRE S; PhD Department of Physics & Astronomy, Ames, Iowa 50011-2010

– University of Vermont TOEFL, GRE; MS Department of Physics, Burlington, Vermont 05405-0160

– Texas A&M University TOEFL, GRE; PhD Department of Physics, College Station, Texas 77843-1244

For Admission: For Dep-t Information or Aid: Director of Admissions Department of Physics Texas A&M University Texas A&M University College Station College Station Texas 77843 Texas 77843-4242

– Colorado State University TOEFL, GRE; PhD Department of Physics, Fort Colins, Colorado 80523

– University of Utah, Salt Lake City TOEFL, GRE, GRE S; PhD Department of Physics, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

– Georgia Institute of Technology TOEFL; PhD School of Physics, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0001

– Oregon State University TOEFL; PhD – > Department of Physics, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 – > Dr. Kenneth S Krane, Chairman. Department of Physics, Weniger Hall 301. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-6507

– University of Oregon TOEFL, GRE; PhD Department of Physics, Eugene, Oregon 97403

– North Dakota State University TOEFL; PhD Department of Physics, Fargo, North Dakota 58105

Таблица 4.6.Некоторые канадские университеты, выбранные по справочнику Peterson's Guide. Даны: название университета, требования к сдаче тестов, на какую степень осуществляется подготовка, адрес.

– Brock University Диплом; MD Department of Physics, St. Catharines ON L2S 3A1 Canada

– Carleton University TOEFL; PhD Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics ON K1S 5B6 Canada

– Dalhousie University TOEFL; PhD Department of Physics, Halifax NS B3H 3J5 Canada

– McGill University TOEFL; PhD Department of Physics, Montreal PQ H3A 2T5 Canada