He only knew enough to unsettle him, to make him anxious. | Он узнал очень мало, но достаточно, чтоб вышибить его из колеи. |
Leighton had been wounded, but that did not mean that he would die. | Лейтон ранен, однако это не значит что он умрет. |
A splinter wound - that might mean much or little. | Рана от щепки может быть серьезной или пустяковой. |
Yet he had been carried below. | Однако его унесли вниз. |
No admiral would have allowed that, if he had been able to resist - not in the heat of a fight, at any rate. | Ни один адмирал, пока он в силах сопротивляться, не позволил бы сделать с собой такое - по крайней мере, в пылу сражения. |
His face might be lacerated or his belly torn open -Hornblower, shuddering, shook his mind free from the memories of all the horrible wounds he had seen received on ship board during twenty years' service. | Может быть, ему разорвало лицо или вспороло живот - Хорнблауэр содрогнулся и поспешил отогнать воспоминания об ужасных ранах, которых навидался за двадцать военных лет. |
But, coldbloodedly, it was an even chance that Leighton would die - Hornblower had signed too many casualty lists to be unaware of the chances of a wounded man's recovery. | Однако, безотносительно к чувствам, вполне вероятно, что Лейтон умрет - Хорнблауэр в своей жизни подписал немало скорбных списков, и знал, как невелики шансы у раненого. |
If Leighton were to die, Barbara would be free again. | Если Лейтон умрет, леди Барбара будет свободна. |
But what had that to do with him, a married man - a married man whose wife was pregnant? | Но что ему до того - ему, женатому человеку, который скоро вновь станет отцом? |
She would be no nearer to him, not while Maria lived. | Пока жива Мария, леди Барбара для него недоступна. |
And yet it assuaged his jealousy to think of her as a widow. | Однако, если она овдовеет, это уймет его ревность. |
But then perhaps she would marry again, and he would have to go once more through all the torment he had endured when he had first heard of her marriage to Leighton. | Но она может вторично выйти замуж, и ему придется заново переживать муки, как и тогда, когда он услышал о ее браке с Лейтоном. |
In that case he would rather Leighton lived - a cripple, perhaps mutilated or impotent; the implications of that train of thought drove him into a paroxysm of too-rapid thinking from which he only emerged after a desperate struggle for sanity. |