Под стягом победным (Форестер) - страница 4

A little moan escaped Hornblower's lips as he paced the ramparts.Хорнблауэр тихо застонал на ходу.
He had a room of his own, a servant to wait on him, fresh air and sunshine, while the poor devils he had commanded were suffering all the miseries of confinement - even the three or four other unwounded officers were lodged in the town gaol.Ему предоставили комнату, слугу, право гулять на свежем воздухе и греться на солнце, а несчастные, которыми он командовал, заживо гниют взаперти - даже тех двух-трех офицеров, которые не ранены, поместили в городскую тюрьму.
True, he suspected that he was being reserved for another fate.Правда, он подозревал, что его берегут для иной участи.
During those glorious days when, in command of the Sutherland, he had won for himself, unknowing, the nickname of 'the Terror of the Mediterranean', he had managed to storm the battery at Llanza by bringing his ship up close to it flying the tricolour flag.В те славные дни, когда он, сам того не ведая, заслужил прозвище "Гроза Средиземноморья", ему случилось подойти к батарее в Льянце под французским флагом и взять ее штурмом.
That had been a legitimate ruse de guerre for which historical precedents without number could be quoted, but the French government had apparently deemed it a violation of the laws of war.То была законная ruse de guerre, военная хитрость, подобных которой немало насчитывается в истории, но французское правительство явно намеревалось истолковать ее как нарушение воинских соглашений.
The next convoy to France or Barcelona would bear him with it as a prisoner to be tried by a military commission.С первым же конвоем его отправят во Францию или в Барселону, а там - военно-полевой суд и, вполне вероятно, расстрел.
Bonaparte was quite capable of shooting him, both from personal rancour and as a proof of the most convincing sort to Europe of British duplicity and wickedness, and during the last day or two Hornblower thought he had read as much in the eyes of his gaolers.Бонапарт мстителен и к тому же стремится убедить Европу в подлости и двуличности англичан. Хорнблауэру казалось, что именно это он читает в глазах тюремщиков.
Just enough time had elapsed for the news of the Sutherland's capture to have reached Paris and for Bonaparte's subsequent orders to have been transmitted to Rosas.За время, прошедшее с пленения "Сатерленда", новость должна была добраться до Парижа, и распоряжения Бонапарта - вернуться в Росас.
The Moniteur Universel would have blazed out in a paean of triumph, declaring to the Continent that this loss of a ship of the line was clear proof that England was tottering to her fall like ancient Carthage; in a month or two's time presumably there would be another announcement to the effect that a traitorous servant of perfidious Albion had met his just deserts against a wall in Vincennes or Montjuich.